1 minute read

Catherine Fore

inspired: Catherine Fore inspiration: Kathleen Greeson

“She provided supportive words and enthusiasm from one small business owner to another. For that, I will be forever grateful!”

As a small business owner, I encounter many inspiring women: creative, innovative, philanthropic, bright, and supportive of one another. Kathleen is one of these women. I met Kathleen about six years ago when she began taking portraits of our family. Her calm demeanor, kindness, and great laugh were a few of the first things I noticed about her. As our paths began to cross more frequently, I was able to get to know her work as an artist on a deeper level. In 2017, she traveled to Guatemala to photograph women and children who were recipients of scholarships from the BFB Foundation, a foundation created to support education for those less fortunate in that country. Kathleen gifted the profits of the sales of her photos to the foundation. Her philanthropy is inspiring. After years of owning my own business, it was (beyond) time to have professional photographs taken of my work. There was no doubt who I would call. Kathleen came through with gorgeous photos that made my work look far superior to the photos I’d previously been taking on my phone. But, it wasn’t just pretty photos that she provided to help propel my business. She provided supportive words and enthusiasm from one small business owner to another. For that, I will be forever grateful!