1 minute read


Modern Building

One of the biggest advantages of concrete foam is its weight. Traditional concrete can be incredibly heavy, making it difficult to transport and work with. Concrete foam, on the other hand, is much lighter and easier to handle. This makes it ideal for use in areas where weight is a concern, such as on roo or in high-rise buildings.



Concrete foam is also commonly used in the production of precast concrete products. The material can be poured into molds to create a variety of shapes and sizes, including blocks, panels, and pipes. These precast products can then be used in a variety of applications, such as for building walls or as drainage pipes.

Great Constructor

Concrete foam is also commonly used in the production of precast concrete products. The material can be poured into molds to create a variety of shapes and sizes, including blocks, panels, and pipes. These precast products can then be used in a variety of applications, such as for building walls or as drainage pipes.

Set A System

One of the biggest advantages of concrete foam is its weight. Traditional concrete can be incredibly heavy, making it difficult to transport and work with. Concrete foam, on the other hand, is much lighter and easier to handle. This makes it ideal for use in areas where weight is a concern, such as on roofs or in high-rise buildings.