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Celebrate iWALK-iWHEEL Month this October!

During International Walk or Wheel to School Month (iWALK-iWHEEL) students around the world use active transportation to travel to school. Since 2015, October has been designated as International Walk or Wheel to School Month to recognize multiple forms of active transportation.

iWALK-iWHEEL gives children, parents, teachers and community leaders an opportunity to get outside and discover their neighbourhoods. Being physically active outside plays a key role in keeping children and youth healthy and focused. By walking or wheeling to and from school, participants can experience how easy it is to incorporate regular physical activity.

You can introduce iWALK-iWHEEL by starting a Walking School Bus. A Walking School Bus is an organized group of students who walk or wheel to and from school together with the support of an adult leader. The group walks along a designated route and stops along the way to pick up more students. It can be as simple as two families taking turns walking their children to school or involve planned routes with a timetable, meeting points and a schedule of parent volunteers. The Walking School Bus has many benefits including improved health, improved attentiveness in class and an opportunity to socialize with friends.