1 minute read


Mango Chutney by Bibah Chesi

2 green mangoes peeled and sliced small.

1 medium sized brown onion and 2 garlic cloves

Chilli to taste, 1 level tbsp curry powder

Ginger – optional

Tamarind or lemon juice 1 tbsp.

Salt and sugar to taste


Blend onion, garlic, chilli and ginger or optionally cut them very finely. Sauté in hot oil and add sliced mango. Stir well to break up the mango as much as possible. Add in the juice, salt and sugar. Leave to cook on a low heat for 5 to 10 minutes. When cooled bottle and refrigerate.

Sweet Ricotta Balls by Rosetta

1 cup ricotta

2 large eggs

¾ cup flour

2ts baking powder

3tbs sugar

½ ts salt

1tsp vanilla extra

Canola for frying, Sugar for dusting

Combine sugar, flour, baking powder, salt in one bowl

Mix ricotta, vanilla, eggs in another bowl until all mixed together well

Fold the dry ingredients with the ricotta mixture until combined but don’t over work it

Fill saucepan with oil to at least 5cm and heat to175°. Using an ice cream scooper (either fill the scooper for large balls or half the scooper for smaller bite size balls) drop the dough into the heated oil and fry until golden brown, turning over to make sure they are golden on both sides.

Cook the balls in small batches. Using a slotted spoon drain them on paper towels. Once drained of excess oil, dust them with the sugar and serve them warm. Makes 16 to 20 balls