5 minute read

Benefits Of Increasing Fibre In Your Diet


Co-Founder and Pharmacist

Fibre is an essential component of a healthy diet and plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy digestive system. It helps regulate the speed of digestion and promotes regular bowel movements, reducing the risk of constipation. Additionally, fibre can also help lower cholesterol levels, control blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Some excellent sources of fibre include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, and bran. For example, a single serving of whole grain bread can contain up to 4 grams of fibre, while a serving of raspberries can provide up to 8 grams of fibre.

The recommended daily fibre intake for adults is about 25-30 grams. However, this can vary depending on factors such as age, sex, and level of physical activity. It’s important to talk to a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to determine the appropriate fibre intake for your individual needs.

One common misconception is that fibre causes bloating and discomfort. While it’s true that increasing fibre intake too quickly can cause digestive discomfort, this can be prevented by gradually increasing fibre intake and drinking plenty of water to help the fibre move through the digestive system smoothly. Another misconception is that fibre is only found in highcarbohydrate foods like bread and pasta. While these foods can be good sources of fibre, it’s important to remember that fibre can also be found in many other foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

One easy way to increase fibre intake in your diet is to start each day with a high-fibre breakfast, such as a bowl of whole grain cereal or oatmeal with fruit. Additionally, try to include a variety of high-fibre foods in your meals and snacks, such as raw or cooked vegetables, whole grain bread, and nuts. It’s also important to drink plenty of water to help the fibre move through the digestive system smoothly. Some people suffer from digestive issues or food intolerances or allergies and consuming enough fibre in their diet can be a constant challenge for them. But there are so many products currently available to give you that extra support such as Metamucil and Benefibre to name a few of the most popular ones that we sell in our stores.

: james@lifesumo.com.au

: www.lifesumo.com.au

Right... let’s talk about it. Life is bloody hard. We are conditioned to believe that everyone else has all their ducks lined up - and you? Your ducks aren’t in the same room... let alone in any geographic shape resembling order.

But I’m going to let you in on a little secret... Those who ‘appear’ on the surface to have it all together are usually the ones who are in the most disarray. The whole idea that you’re in competition with everyone else is mindnumbingly wrong no matter what your social media says... let alone what you hear in drunken Sunday BBQ brags. There’s no one actually keeping score. The only way to guarantee absolute misery is to spend your life trying to compare yourself to everyone else around you. The only absolute truth is that for the most part, life is really damn difficult. It is a constant struggle and that, believe it or not, is a good thing.

The struggle exists to build strength and resilience. It exists to ensure that we value what we have and what we achieve - and it exists to ensure that those who aren’t willing to do the work end up giving their spot to the person who is diligent and willing to work through the chaos. It is the ultimate Darwinism to ensure that reward focuses where effort is exerted.

So why does it feel so lonely?

We are at our loneliest when it feels like we’re walking a path that no-one else has walked. The cruelest irony is that this is the most well-worn path in humanity. Everyone has been there before and everyone will be there after - but a complete lack of rationalism and understanding means that when it’s your turn you attack it the same way everyone else does... learning on the fly... rudderless and alone.

It’s not as if there isn’t an endless supply of opinions and insta-experts out there who are willing to peddle their half baked scams, swindles and cons. There isn’t a shortage of ‘coaches’, selfpublished gurus and shysters who want nothing more than to capitalise on your lack of knowledge and understanding. I have stared these people in the facemy first ever job in financial services as a young adviser was working for one of the worst of them and that experience, even though I left long before their imminent demise, has scarred me and stayed with me every day since. Knowing all of this has shaped exactly why we do what we do.

We have a very clear belief - we believe that all people would make better decisions with better education. We believe it is our privilege to make this education accessible to anyone who seeks it... You’re not alone.

After 20+ years and having seen thousands of people in that time, I know exactly why you haven’t reached out for help sooner.

1. It’s too expensive, advice is for the wealthy.

This is not an uncommon hurdle. That’s why we don’t charge for our education, fact finding or delivery of our statement of advice document. There may be other advisers out there who do this (frankly we don’t know or care... we’re not interested in how others deliver advice) but to us, advice needs to be accessible to everyone.

2. I don’t want to be sold a product and I’m worried that the advice is conflicted.

We can’t be any clearer - there is no sales culture in what we do. Yes, that is different... but it has stood us very well. We have a successful business because our entire focus is on providing education to you, first and foremost. We don’t receive any sort of secret kickbacks or incentives for our advice. Anything and everything we get paid is disclosed in our advice - we don’t receive a cent from any other source. If the advice doesn’t make sense or you can’t see how your situation is improved - don’t do it and it won’t cost you a cent.

3. I don’t have time to sort this out. Cool story... but that doesn’t stack up. Most people don’t realise that you’re not being asked to do anything but engage with an adviser 1 to 1 for about an hour. This time is absolutely focused on you and helping you to get a grip on your absolute situation, as well as provide education to enrich you and ensure that you understand just a little bit more about how the world works than before you walked in.

4. I’m embarrassed, I don’t know enough.

If you did, we wouldn’t exist. There’s an absolute power in recognising that you have more to learn and we acknowledge that we too continue to learn as time goes on. If ever we make you feel embarrassed after spending time with us for not knowing enough - we deserve a swift kick. Just admitting that you don’t know enough is a beautiful (and refreshing) start. The hardest people we ever have to deal with are those who apparently know everything... but I can tell you, in my experience - the emptiest vessels make the most noise. If you want to know more...google ‘The Dunning Krueger Effect’ - it’s an eye opener.

So given that we are driven to educate, we don’t charge for that process and there’s no obligation to do anything except learn a little more about life, finance and the world... you’re now in a tricky situation. Not spending time with us is an active decision that you have made - if that’s because you believe we have nothing to teach you and you’ve got your financial matters completely sorted - ask yourself one very pertinent question...are you sure?