1 minute read

Yes, markets stink; here’s some perspective

S&P has increased by 47% (on average).

Allworth Advice Amy Wagner & Steve Sprovach Guest columnists


Question: R.D. from Cincinnati: I’m getting tired of seeing my investments down. Are stocks going to keep dropping? And what about bonds?

A: We get it. It’s stressful when it feels like the market just keeps declining and all you see is ‘red’ when you check your 401(k) balance. But here’s the hard truth: A year like this is going to happen every once in a while. Not every year can be an ‘up’ year. That’s the risk you take as an investor. So, as we like to provide in this column, here’s some perspective.

First, understand that positive years are far more common than negative years. In fact, according to our research at Allworth Financial, over the last 50 years, the S&P 500 has produced positive returns within a calendar year 80% of the time. (2022 just happens to be a year that’s likely going to be part of the other 20%.) Second, during the five-year period following a 20% market drop, the


Continued from Page 1B ing to secure the real estate in the city. We have had great dialogue with the city and we look forward to our ongoing discussions with them.”

Doss said he is not in any negotiations with company and does not know a Paul Lee.

Porter’s name appears in correspondence with Milford officials earlier this year about his client’s interest in opening a dispensary at 315 Rivers Edge Drive.

Pharmacy board rules don’t address Milford situation

The Ohio Board of Pharmacy contacted the city Aug. 1 to confirm it had passed a one-dispensary rule for medical marijuana but can do little more.

Doss told the pharmacy board Heaven Wellness would only be authorized to operate if Cascade Southern Ohio “ceased development plans or business operations.”

Operational dispensaries may ask the pharmacy board for permission to relocate within a region, but provisional licensees are ineligible for a move. Provisional licenses may be revoked if dispensaries do not begin operations in

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