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Time to pitch

Looking for new business opportunities? Check out the latest event tenders and news of contract wins

Arts by the Sea, managed and produced by BCP Council, is looking to appoint an artistic leader to develop the festival’s vision. Interested? Email procurement@bcpcouncil.gov.uk – the deadline is 2pm on September 26.

National Highways is looking to procure a mobile visitor exhibition vehicle with capacity for at least 10 visitors and space for internal and external displays. The deadline is October 4 – email ADProcurement@nationalhighways.co.uk

The University of Leicester is seeking a marquee provider for events, taking place primarily at the main Centenary Square campus. The deadline is 12pm on September 21. Email acm26@le.ac.uk for more details.

The City of Edinburgh Council has appointed Angels Event Experience to deliver Edinburgh’s Christmas and Unique Events to deliver Edinburgh’s Hogmanay.

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council is looking for an experienced events company to deliver Darwen Town Centre’s Christmas light switch on event. This will include all aspects of creative content, infrastructure, event management and promotion for a family-friendly event programme. The deadline is 4pm on September 13. Interested parties should email peter.hughes@blackburn.gov.uk

Identity has won the Transport for London tender to deliver the London’s New Year’s Eve fireworks event until 2025. The four-year contract will see Identity event manage all elements of the world-class show.

English Heritage is seeking a suitably qualified event company to deliver the English Heritage Winter Lights 2022 Series. The contract is worth between £200,000 and £450,000. Email catherine.miller-gough@english-heritage.org.uk – the deadline is 4pm on September 16.

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