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Foundations Magazine - Spring 2023 edition

Networking and collaboration

Martin Erwin, CEO of Counties, writes about the changes that have been taking place with Partnership UK and Counties, two sister organisations that Church Growth Trust has worked with over many years.

For a number of years, Church Growth Trust (CGT) has been a solid partner and friend, seeking to support church growth and evangelism here in the UK.

As CEO of Counties, it has been great to work closely with Giles Arnold and his team on a variety of projects. CGT was a partner of the Church Planting Initiative (CPI), and working with GLO, Counties and Partnership, set the tone that things could be done better and were more God honouring, if done together. Perhaps this is best shown through the image below.

For years, we have been part of a movement that is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission, to ‘Go into all the world and preach the Gospel’. And certainly, our churches have sought to demonstrate the love of God to our neighbours through acts of kindness and practical demonstration of the love of God for people.

However, our movement, born as it is from a passionate independent streak, has often faltered in the area of collaboration. It is often easier to press ahead with a project or mission, and the pioneer spirit is indeed fundamental to getting anything done. But to sustain a work, and perhaps to see greater spiritual power in a work of God, we must demonstrate the unity of the body where such efforts bring greater long-term blessing.

The Church on mission

I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be on as we are one- I in them and you in me-so that they may be brough to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me (John 17:22-23)

Whilst church planting is now part of the core work of GLO and Counties and CPI is part of the past, CGT has stood firmly with us in church planting. Counties Planting Network, the main inheritor of CPI’s legacy, is supported by CGT, and it has been great to see new plants begun in old Gospel Halls, such as Wollaston, led by Jordan and Lacey Armstrong.

Much more is happening collaboratively too.

Living the Passion was birthed by the four organisations, and later joined by Echoes International. This flagship conference continues to provide a space for believers to fellowship, grow and be blessed as we seek to push forward in mission in our nation.

There are other areas too, such as the Church Revitalisation Project, where we work together, to provide Church Health Checks for local churches, offer advice and even the possibility of finding support for a worker.

In recent months, Counties has taken on the Regional Coordinators who had been part of Partnership. Together we are seeking to support renewal, church growth and create spiritual pathways for making disciples, revitalisation and church planting. The CEOs and Chairs of these key organisations meet regularly to discuss and pray over these matters, and we are hopeful to see progress in networking soon.

For too long many independent local churches have been struggling alone. Our desire for ‘independence’ has in some ways blinded us to the New Testament principle of ‘interdependence’, where apostolic teams, missionary groups and other godly people served together to establish and grow local churches who were deeply connected to one another. In 2022 a proposal was put forward

and agreed in principle by a working party known as the Delivery Group. It is our hope in 2023 to work together, as organisations and local church leaders, developing plans for greater mutual support, training and discipling pathways to enable a new season of collaboration, networking and growth.

CGT, Counties and GLO (with Partnership having stepped aside), value your prayers. We do not pretend or imagine that we represent a whole movement, but together we are committed to the Gospel of Christ being preached across our land. We believe that much can be better done together rather than apart. Together we have committed to seek to engage with local church leaders, with a desire to partner together to equip God’s people for works of service, so that we may more effectively evangelise and make disciples in the world where God has placed us.

Thank you for being part of this journey with us. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to know more about the new plans for networking and collaboration for the sake of Christ and the Gospel.

Martin Erwin CEO of Counties


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