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Global Reach Updates

Thank you for partnering with our friends and fields in Global Reach. Your prayers and gifts help sustain and encourage them as they minister to communities, families, and individuals in their parts of the world. Please celebrate the following updates from some of the Global Reach fields. Special thanks to Caleb and Christina Acosta for the following updates from Latino Ministry fields. Remember to pray for our leaders and the souls they serve and with whom they share the Good News.

USA Latino

The churches in the United States are continuing ministry. Betesda in Middletown, PA, hopes to buy a building for their place of worship and ministry hub. Sanidad Divina in Columbia, PA, is hoping to expand the building they already have for community services. Esperanza de Gloria in York, PA, is reaching out into the community, trying to find ways to connect and meet needs. Pictured above is a baby dedication service held at Sanidad Divina Church.


Pastor Maria Grigioni was invited by local government officials to be involved in community events recently. They were the only church involved in outreach in this effort. She has planted new works as a baby church. The Acostas have connected Pastor Maria Grigioni with Pastor Abelardo, who has a house church with quite a few members. Pastor Maria sees the work as promising, and we encourage them to work together. Pictured is the first ACTS Team to Argentina earlier in 2022.


Venezuela is beginning to experience a better economic status. The Church continues to grow, and a goal is to plant churches in many other places. They continue to work united, and we hope to develop more churches in other provinces of the country— churches that will live out the Word in actions. The churches in Venezuela are involved with their local communities to help the less fortunate. They have partnered with the Red Cross and local government officials to serve the community together. Pictured is a “March for Jesus” walk held in Caleb’s hometown.

Dominican Republic

There are five established CGGC churches in the Dominican Republic. The conference meets annually. They work together for some activities in between to encourage each other. The process to establish the necessary conference financial account has been detailed and difficult. It is now in the final stages. Pictured is our Kilometer 20 new church plant.


Pastor German and his wife have many years of experience and are organizers which helps them grow the work. They have regular meetings with pastors, and they are working together towards the same direction with a united vision and mission. Pastor German has been ill with diabetes and his legs are sometimes swollen which interferes with mobility. He asks for prayer for his health. There are plans for an ACTS Team to visit in the spring of 2023. Pictured are Covid relief efforts on the streets of Chinandega.


There are plans to visit the potential field of Chile in 2023. Pastor Yolmary is doing a good work there, and was able to find a new location to conduct worship services which has enabled church growth. Pictured is a children’s outreach effort.


An ACTS Team visited Bangladesh in October of 2022. The overall goal of the team became an effort to bring encouragement to the pastors, staff, and communities of the Bangladesh Mission. The team came away from the trip with a sense that they were blessed and encouraged as much as those they went to serve. Samir was able to be with the team in Bangladesh and help with translation. His presence added an additional element of fellowship which became a huge bonus for everyone. Pictures on these two pages help tell the story of the trip.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support in reaching the lost across the globe. It is making a difference for eternity.