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The Student Voices...

Freshman said, “They provide me with a stable environment in which I can practice my faith. And teaches me about my religion in a relatable way. Not only that but we also learn about other religions to better understand others religious experiences.”

Freshman said, “Theology class helped me ask questions to get answers to better keep my faith”

Junior said, “The theology classes have given me a better understanding of the Gospels, and the service opportunities have helped me grow in my compassion and love for service. “

Senior said, “It’s helped as I learned more about my religion without having it forced onto me, which made me want to learn somewhat more”

Sophomore said, “Brother Rice has helped me grow my faith through providing a strong education that teaches me about the Church and its history.”

Junior said, “All Hallows helped me grow in my faith by exposing me to new perspectives and thinking on a more deeper level about God since he is complex.”

Sophomore said, “In my middle school years, I started to question some of the teachings of the Church I began to feel like I was being judged and criticized for my beliefs and my questions I felt like I was being treated differently because I was asking