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New games and class traditions

The Rite of Passage Ceremony was the first and last for many students. The freshmen came in after their LINK day for their first real day of high school. They walked into the gym with the other classes cheering them on to give a warm welcome to Conifer High School. The different grade levels saw their section of the gym for the year and got to play fun games.


“My favorite part of the pep rally was how welcoming everyone was,” freshman Kaylee Moore said.

Moore came from middle school not knowing what to expect for the year. Going into a bigger school with harder work and more students might be a hard transition. “Learning all of the chants made me feel like more of a high schooler,” Moore said.

Although the first day of school was hard on the nerves of many students, the games and cheers loosened the day up. They learned the chants of “C What? C Town!” and “We are Conifer” across the gym.

The pep assembly seemed to bring in new games and old traditions that students at Conifer had been doing for years. While all of this was new

BLOW OUR HOUSE DOWN In the class sections, sophomore Abigail Jensen cheers on her class during their games versus the freshmen. Jensen was excited to be back in the swing of things with class rivalries. “It felt more normal and everything was coming back to me,” Jensen said. photo by c. potter we are


Band Director Sean Cartner joins in on the Pep Rally chants with the band. Cartner and the band got to perform at the Rite of Passage ceremony for all of the students for school spirit. “Seeing kids from different cliques and groups come together for one common goal is really important,” Cartner said. photo by c. potter and exciting to the freshmen, for the seniors it was more bittersweet. we are a warm welcome with strong rhythms

”It’s our last year here and there’s a bit of finality in it. It’s also good to be welcoming new people to the cycle,” senior Corey Neumeier said.

Neumeier had been at CHS since his freshman year. Many seniors were sad to be having their last first day and Rite of Passage ceremony of their high school careers.

The classes competed in measures of school spirit and played rock, paper, scissors, and a tape game. During the tape game, each class had a student get wrapped in double sided tape and roll around and pick up cards from the gym floor. This game was very hard for competitors including freshman Otto Pace.

“I had no idea what to do, and just thought I would fall over,” Pace said. Pace felt a lot of pressure from his class since it was the first day of school.

The Rite of Passage ceremony put the school year off to a energetic start. The excrutiating first day for many was lightened up with fun games and silly traditions.

Loud and Proud

During passing period, junior Benjamin Harrison leads the band’s percussionists as they march down the halls to show new students school spirit. Harrison joined the Lobo Regiment in 8th grade and has watched it thrive. “We’ve gotten a lot more practice time, which leads to better music and overall placement,” Harrison said. photo by c. neumeier this year and showed everyone their spirit,” Lee said. photo by c. neumeier