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CHS Globe

Clayton, United States

The Globe is a production of the journalism staffs of Clayton High School in St. Louis, Missouri. It is designed, written and maintained by students and all content decisions are made by students. There are 8 issues per year and the publication is 48 pages of full color. Additionally, the Globe Newsmagazine is the winner of numerous national awards including the prestigious Pacemaker Award from the National Scholastic Press Association and the Gold Crown from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. You can check out the Globe's online source,, for more information and news updates.


Aug. 2005 Globe

August 30, 2005

May 2005 Globe

May 12, 2005

April 2005 Globe

April 20, 2005

March 2005 Globe

March 22, 2005

Feb. 2005 Globe

February 18, 2005

Jan. 2005 Globe

January 20, 2005

Dec. 2004 Globe

December 16, 2004

Nov. 2004 Globe

November 18, 2004

Oct. 2004 Globe

October 14, 2004

Sept. 2004 Globe

September 10, 2004