12 minute read


Just as no two children are the same, no two disabilities (or combinations of them) are the same. Each child requires personalized care and support, as well as a thoughtful approach, from his or her caregiver. Some children with disabilities have experienced trauma or adverse experiences, some have not. Many have been able to remain in the care of their biological parents, but unfortunately, some have experienced alternative placement. The interactions of their experiences and disabilities are just as diverse as they are, which can cause frustration in caregivers because no two interventions are the same either. Behaviors can be challenging, communication can be difficult, and planning for the future can be discouraging.

However, as Gandhi said, “The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.” As caregivers, we have the opportunity to choose to believe in the inherent value of the children we serve every day. We can approach them in love and prioritize connection over all else. We can utilize play as a means to connect and bond with them, and we can have hope as we dream of their futures full of possibilities.


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