3 minute read
SK Summer Suggestions
from SKQ Issue 6
by SKFinancial

Chloe: For anyone who is a fan of the TV series, Friends, Friendsfest is a full set tour happening in the UK. www.friendsfest.co.uk
Neil: Treasure Trails are a fun way to explore. There are loads of different ”treasure hunts” where you have to solve all the clues to find out where the “treasure” is stored and you then submit your answer and get entered for a monthly draw to win £100. The real benefit is before you know it, you’ve walked a couple of miles, taken in the highlights of the area you are in, and put your heads together as a family. My girls loved it. You just enter the postcode of the area you want to visit and then the company tells you the local trails that are available to you. A good way to explore new areas. www.treasuretrails.co.uk
Kunle: London’s Lost Rivers tour led by Paul Talling, author of Derelict London & London's Lost Rivers. He takes you around Hammersmith, Fulham & Shepherd’s Bush looking at numerous lost gig venues and reading from Paul's London's Lost Live Music Venues book. You take in various TV locations for The Sweeney & Denis Waterman era Minder and touching on the three lost rivers of the area (Parr's Ditch, Counters Creek and the Stamford Brook). www.londonslostrivers.com/hammersmith
Emma: Bodiam Boating Station, take a rowing boat down the river and finish with a lovely meal at the restaurant. We did this last year on a lovely sunny day and it was good fun. www.bodiamboatingstation.co.uk
Jade: A day out to London Zoo and Sea Life Aquarium. www.zsl.org/zsl-london-zoo www.visitsealife.com/london David: Discover what it takes to be the world’s most famous secret agent. See some of the locations from the James Bond films, including the latest 007 film to be released in 2021 – No Time to Die, as well as Bond’s previous adventure, Spectre. www.britmovietours.com/bookings
Beth: For an unforgettable summer experience that doesn’t rely on the great British weather, I recommend Backyard Cinema. Find yourself transported to a Miami beach complete with sand, sun and cocktails. With a wide range of movies to choose from there is something for everybody. www.backyardcinema.co.uk
Tracey: Country Hotel Breaks for a staycation, I have been to the Mallory Court Hotel and Spa. www.countryhotelbreaks.com
Lesley: Regents Park Open Air Theatre . We have been going for a number of years seeing various productions all of which have been to high standard and thoroughly enjoyable. Lovely setting, you can take a picnic, buy food or sit down and enjoy a 3 course supper which needs to be booked early – starter and main before the performance with the dessert and coffee in the interval. www.openairtheatre.com
Michael: Eataly , a one stop shop for all things Italian. Go for a meal, shop for all of your favourite ingredients or attend a cooking class. www.eataly.co.uk
Richard: ‘London Ghost Walks’ is brilliant. Genuinely creepy! www.london-ghost-tour.com
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