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is Good!

of the restaurant side of our business caused us to question investing heavily through this time. I am already planning our next few projects, keen to get them booked in the diary for early next year.

You have some great staff in Wetherby, how do you manage to keep them so well and recruit too?


We have recently employed Charlotte as our Recruitment & Retention Manager. She has been with us six months and although she initially concentrated on the recruitment side of her role, we are now also focusing on team retention. It is important that we recognise how employment in our industry has changed, and as a company we are working hard to keep up with these changes.

We have an employee aged 77 in the restaurant at Wetherby. She is great and thoroughly embraces any changes we throw at her! The restaurant team are loving their new working environment, I love it when a refit invigorates your team to strive to achieve new heights. We also have Boyz (pictured) at Wetherby, originally from Botswana he moved here from South Africa with his wife sixteen years ago. Boyz preps our chips 5 days a week, and also makes the best mushy peas. Boyz will take great joy in telling me the peas have changed with how they are performing and need more bicarbonate when soaking, or more cooking time. He is heading towards retirement at 65, though I’m hoping to keep him for a few more years yet, even if on a part time basis.

Jimmy Doherty from Jimmy’s Farm was a recent visitor why did he come to see you?

The Monday we reopened the takeaway I agreed to take part in some filming for Food Unwrapped with Jimmy Doherty. They were filming a segment on “chippy chips” and the regional accompaniments that people prefer when buying their chips. Had a fun afternoon, luckily Jimmy and the hired food expert did most of the talking, I think most people know I’m always reluctant to get in front of the camera and talk!

As Vice President of the NFFF did you enjoy your role in helping to deliver the National Fish & Chip Awards?

Taking on the National Fish & Chip Awards last year was a huge task for the NFFF but we recognised how important it was for the industry that they returned. They are so important to our Industry as the biggest driver of raising standards and highlighting the great work the fish and chip industry does. It has been an honour to be part of the team that brought them back, and despite the sleepless nights we were all so proud to deliver a great event in London in February. I really must say thank you to everyone who made it possible, from sponsors, entrants, judges and all those who came along and supported on the day. We are already planning next year and hope the industry can be as supportive ever.