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2023 Boat Broker Showcase

Pocket Yacht


810-531-9191 jmiller@pocket-yacht.com

Josh grew up on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and originally hails from Kent Island. A 1998 graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, he served a few short years at sea, and then realized his lifelong dream of becoming a Coast Guard helicopter pilot and aeronautical engineer. After a fun-filled career of 25 great years and having the privilege to live on and fly over all four sides of the U.S., Josh retired as a captain in January 2023 and joined our team. A passionate outdoorsman and lifelong boater, Josh brings a unique perspective and breadth of experience from the lens of both an operator and first responder. An avid hobbyist, Josh spends his free time remodeling houses, beekeeping, hunting, fishing, and cycling among many other pastimes.


410-490-6250 john@pocket-yacht.com

After closing his houseboat sales and brokerage business in 2010, John ran a local brokerage until 2014 when Mark Schulstad offered him a position at Pocket Yacht. John has become one of the top performers at Pocket Yacht and has won several awards over the last nine years. John prides himself in his ability to talk with customers honestly and put people at ease during the purchasing process. Having a quality product and strong leadership is the key to John’s success. John is a long-time resident of Maryland’s Eastern Shore and spends his free time cooking and fishing. He resides in Easton, Md., with Carol, his wife of 43 years.


410-267-2577 timwilbricht@pocket-yacht.com

After a short but successful career in the corporate world, Tim bought a 38-foot sailboat in Annapolis in 1993. He and his wife, Mischelle, headed to the Bahamas when they were both 25 years old. After spending time in the islands, they returned to the States to seek another new adventure. He helped start a couple of companies, one in Florida and the other in Boston, growing them until the companies matured. During that time Tim fell more and more in love with the boating lifestyle and lived aboard with his family for 9½ years. During that time, he came back to Annapolis where he began work as a yacht broker in 1998. He continues to share his passion for boating and has had an amazing career selling boats of all shapes and sizes. 