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Parents say Black students targeted

By Ayesha Hana Shaji Texas Metro News Staff

Once again a social media platform is at the center of controversy.


On Jan. 30, a seventh grader from Cobb Middle School and his two friends decided to play a TikTok prank on teachers. Unfortunately, the results of the prank weren’t just giggles and wiggles but in-school suspension (ISS) and alternative school.

Jordan Thomas, 13, has been described as a student with good grades and a quiet demeanor. According to his mother, Carla Broom, he is also a goofy kid but never disrespectful.

The incident took place as the students were walking back to their classes after lunch. Thomas said the trio had decided to par- ticipate in one of the latest TikTok fads, the mumbling prank; where a prankster begins to ask a question but mumbles halfway through to confuse the other person.

Thomas went up to a teacher and said, “Can I get a blah blah blah?”

The teacher responded back by reversing the joke onto the student.

The purpose of the prank, explained Broom, is to get the oth- er person confused and make them ask, “what?”

After a good laugh at the first teacher's expense, Thomas and his friends walked up to the next teacher and tried repeating the prank. However, the second teacher, Ms. Branch, reportedly heard sexual favors from Thomas rather than mumbles.

Immediately, Thomas received in-school suspension from assistant principal Clay Grubb.

Later that day, his mother was notified of claims that Thomas asked for sexual favors from two teachers.

The assistant principal later changed his statement to Thomas “interacted” with two teachers.

He then closed the case.

However, on Feb. 9, Thomas

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