3 minute read

5 Minutes with Lauren Vaknine

They say everyone needs one person in life who will guide and allow you to be nothing more than your true, authentic self. That person is Lauren, an unbelievable coach who we’ve worked with first-hand and someone we would love to share with you all. Five minutes with her just isn’t enough.

Your bedside reading at the moment is…?


Unwell Women by Elenor Gleghorn. Absolutely fascinating insights into how women have not only been made to feel like hypochondriacs for daring to feel something, but how we’ve been made to be more ill by the medical system. I also just finished re-reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic, which I find helpful every time I need to immerse myself in creative work.

Favourite podcast when you have five minutes’ peace?

I’m such a huge podcast fan it’s very hard to narrow it down! My faves are The Aubrey Marcus Podcast, Expanded, The Life Stylist Podcast, my mentor James Wedmore’s Mind Your Business and I’ve always loved Desert Island Discs. Ooh, and How to Fail. Of course, I never listen to my own podcast, Reconditioned!

A ‘wow’ moment in your life so far?

There have been many. But I would say being completely head-to-toe disabled then healing myself from that and being able to live a full, able-bodied life as a mum and businesswoman is pretty wow!

Favourite hot drink?

My hot cacao (healthy hot chocolate) is my and my husband’s Sunday night ritual (recipe on my website), but during the week I drink Whole Earth coffee alternative which makes me feel like I’m treating myself to coffee, without the caffeine.

Ultimate food weakness?

Hummus! It would be my last meal. Also nothing like a chocolate biscuit dipped in tea.

If you had to choose, would you prefer cooking or eating out?

Both. I grew up in an Israeli home where home cooking was life and I love homecooked food, but as a mum, I really look forward to not cooking and I love a good meal out – but most of the time it’s homecooked for us.

What gives you instant calmness?

Breathwork. It takes your brain from heightened brainwave states to calmer ones. If I feel stressed, I instantly go to my breathwork practice.

Three things you always have in your glove compartment?

Homeopathic car sickness remedy for the kids, rose lip balm & an essential oil spray I made to make the car smell nice.

The next destination on your list is…?

Sedona, Arizona, to visit my shaman, Don Xavier. And my husband and I really want to do a long campervan trip around the states and end up in Hawaii for a week.

Which album will you have on loop and never be bored with?

Usher’s 8701 comes to mind, as well as Bon Jovi Greatest Hits. I’m weird with music and have everything from gangsta rap (and can rap along to most of them) to classical and Israeli artists, 50s hits, rock and musicals. Being in my car is an experience and we have dance parties at home most nights after dinner.

When you’re not coaching, you are…?

Creating amazing episodes for my podcast, Reconditioned, and writing, which is my ultimate passion and love. Oh, and raising my kids!

Favourite holiday memory?

Being in Israel in the summers, sitting in Netanya square where I grew up, with all my uncles and aunties and cousins, the music of my childhood playing from the cafes, my parents sitting with their friends, me running around freely because you just could there. No big event, just being in the sun with family, relaxed and feeling at home.

If you needed to hear a voice of comfort, who would you call?

My best friend Raine, who lives in South Africa, and my shaman.

If you could choose one superpower?

To click my fingers and have dinner made and everyone want to eat it.

What language would you love to learn?

Well, I am bilingual with English and Hebrew but also used to speak fluent French which I’ve all but forgotten and I’d love to re-learn it.

How would you describe yourself?

Passionate, intense, empathetic, sociable, driven, a bit crazy and need community more than anything to feel alive!

The mantra you live by?

Joy, ease, surrender. I remind myself of this every day to feel balanced. Everything else falls into place when we can live in joy, ease and surrender.

Lauren’s latest course, the Female Entrepreneur Academy, launches this week. It offers a step-by-step guide on how to make your small business more profitable – using both practical business tools (the masculine energy) and by teaching an understanding of the energetics of money and wealth (the feminine side) so you can start bringing in more clients, increase cash flow, and start being financially and geographically independent.
