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At last – good news for dancers! As we endure another Lockdown and continue to rely on Zoom classes to share our love of dancing with others, the news that the first vaccine will be available by the end of the year has been announced and will hopefully be followed by others in 2021. This may be the light at the end of the tunnel that we have been waiting for.

In the meantime, we have developed our expertise in using Zoom for our ‘classes’, and a good core of people continue to join in on a Monday night, to skip through some of our favourite dances at home, while sharing the companionship of others as we dance, and having a chat along the way.

Our annual Christmas Ceilidh took place via Zoom on 7th December 2020. For this we usually call on the talents of our members to provide some ‘turns’. On offer in 2020 were recitations, solo Highland dancing, some ballet, some music and carol singing, as well as a few Country dances. An opportunity also for some conversation and to raise a glass to each other and to absent friends. Other ventures in the offing are a Burns’ Night Quiz and a Scottish dancing-themed quiz.

We are hoping that future changes in the Coronavirus rules will enable us to dance together for real in time for our Day School, scheduled for 24th April 2021. This will be a fantastic opportunity for dancers of all abilities to learn from one of the top Scottish Country Dance teachers and to dance to the music of a truly marvellous musician. Our dancing shoes are ready for action and our feet


are itching to get on that dance floor. I hope you can join us! Please look on our website for further updates on our Day School and when our classes will resume. https://cheltenhamrscds.btck.co.uk/

Our beginners’ classes will teach you the basic rhythm of the steps and the common formations which make up the dances, but the whole point of the exercise (yes it is energetic!) is the joy of dancing together. It was our love of Scottish Dancing and Scottish Music which brought us together, but the resulting friendships have helped us through these difficult times and continue to provide support and fellowship during the long nights of winter lockdown.

Scottish Country Dancing is a boost for body, mind and soul. You don’t need to be Scottish! You don’t need to have a partner! And you don’t need to wear a kilt or anything tartan! Just bring along a pair of soft shoes and a smile and we look forward to welcoming you to our thriving, friendly club.


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The value of investments can fall and you may get back less than you invested. Please note that this document was prepared as a general guide only and does not constitute tax or legal advice. While we believe it to be correct at the time of writing, Brewin Dolphin is not a tax adviser and tax law is subject to frequent change. Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances; therefore you should not rely on this information without seeking professional advice from a qualified tax adviser.