3 minute read

President's Message: Checkout Fall 2022

Municipal Elections are Important: Vote on October 24

During the pandemic, local support and services became more important than ever. As many families went through illness and experienced income loss, some turned to food banks, were unable to make rent, and more.

Today, the pandemic continues to bring the effects of complacency and the failings of our broken systems right to our very own front doors.

Many decisions governing our day-to-day lives are made at the provincial level or above. But there are also many decisions made at the municipal level that have an impact on the citizens and workers in your community.

On October 24, 2022, municipal elections are happening and it’s your chance to have your voice heard once again.

Your municipal government:

• Sets property taxes and delivers public services;

• Determines incentives and criteria for businesses in your community;

• Hires and funds police, fire, first responders and EMS;

• Contracts companies to collect waste, clean buildings, and more;

• Manages infrastructure such as water supply, sewage treatment, transit, and road and sidewalk maintenance;

• Develops policies on statutory holiday shopping;

• Manages assisted living homes and services, sports arenas, and more.

Your communities also make decisions that have a significant impact on climate change and the environment, strengthening relations with Indigenous communities, and more. The Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) has information on the role and responsibilities of local government (www.amo.on.ca).

Your school boards are also up for election on October 24. School boards work on behalf of the community to advocate for the needs of your children, develop policies, and allocate funding for public education. They are accountable to the Board and the province, but more importantly, just like any other elected official, they are accountable to you.

I know a lot of people are tired of politics and elections. It’s understandable. But apathy won’t create positive change. Apathy only lets the status quo continue.

Municipalities must take a hard look at community planning and development – from affordable accessible housing to parks and playgrounds, from tax incentives for businesses to requiring that all municipal employees be paid a living wage.

Municipal government sets the standard for your community and can help make many systems, and the people those systems serve, more resilient to crisis.

Visit your town or city’s website to find out more about the candidates running in your area or go online to ufcw175.com/municipal for links, voter information, and more.

Municipal elections are a chance to help your communities rebuild better. Get out and vote on October 24, 2022.

In Solidarity,

Shawn Haggerty president@ufcw175.com

Watch a brief message from President Haggerty on YouTube. Link in the layout!

Watch a brief message from President Haggerty on YouTube. Link in the layout!