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Charter for Compassion Board of Directors

The Global Compassion Council is the advisory body for the Charter for Compassion. Recruited from around the world, the Council is a confluence of leaders of the movement in the realms of government, business, educa>on, philanthropy, religion & spirituality, health care, the environment, peace, and social jus>ce.

The chair of the Council is Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, a devoted ac>vist for peace and social jus>ce. The governing Board of Directors is drawn from the members of the Council. The Board consists of the following members: Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, president; Dr. James Doty, M.D., vice-president; Toni Murden McClure, treasurer; Amin Hashwani, director-atlarge and the following members:


Karen Armstrong, 2008 TED Prize winner, creator of the Charter for Compassion.

Allan Boesak, South African poli>cian and poli>cian and an>-apartheid ac>vist.

Amy Novogratz, former director of the TED Prize, television and web producer.

Anil Sachdev, Indian business leader and founder of the School for Inspired Leadership in Gurgaon, India.

Anil Singh-Morales, religious scholar, business execu>ve, and co-founder of Seamle’s Compassionate Ac>on Network.

Anne Tillery, managing partner at Pyramids Communica>ons.

Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, human rights advocate, writer, environmental ac>vist.

Caren Goldman, author, journalist and cofounder of Compassionate St. Augus>ne.

Chandra Muzaffar, interna>onally known Malaysian advocate for human rights.

Cynthia Figge, business innovator and leader in movement for corporate social responsibility,.

Darshita Gillies, founder of a chapter of Conscious Capitalism in the UK.

Diana Eck, Harvard professor, director of the Pluralism Project.

Elizabeth Rider, Director of Academic Programs at the Ins>tute for Professionalism and Ethical Prac>ce, Boston Children’s Hospital/ Harvard Medical School.

Haidar Bagir, Indonesian publisher and educator,

Howard Behar, former president of Starbucks Interna>onal.

Janja Bec, Serbian peace and humanitarian ac>vist focused on war crimes and genocide.

Jean Zaru, Pales>nian Quaker, founding member of the Theology Center in Jerusalem; helped establish Friends Interna>onal Center in Ramallah.

Jeff Vander Clute, evolu>onary leader consultant to technology startups, nonprofits at the leading edge of social transforma>on, and global communi>es of prac>ce.

Lynne Twist, global ci>zen, teacher, author of The Soul of Money, co-founder of the Pachamama Alliance.

Magdalena Whoolery, ci>zen ac>vist and organizer, founder of the Botho Compassion Movement in Bostwana.

Michael Wolfe, Muslim American poet, author, Execu>ve Producer of Unity Produc>ons Founda>on; author of The Hadj, and One Thousand Roads to Mecca.

Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Imam of All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center in Sterling, Virginia.

Monica Neomagus, co-founder of the Dutch Charter for Compassion Founda>on, trainer, organizer, social worker.

Mussie Hailu, peace ambassador and teacher from Addis Adaba; interna>onal advocate and ac>vist for crea>ng a culture of peace, interfaith harmony & coopera>on.

Rev. Dr Ofelia Ortega Suárez, minister of Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba, elected member of the Cuban Na>onal Assembly, leader in World Council of Churches.

Owsley Brown, philanthropist, filmmaker, and ac>vist on behalf of interfaith partnerships and the compassion movement.

Peter Storey, former president of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, past president of the South African Council of Churches, and Methodist Bishop of Johannesburg/Soweto.

Chief Phil Lane, Jr., enrolled member of the Yankton Dakota and Chickasaw First Na>ons, leader in human and community development,

Chair of the Four Worlds Interna>onal Ins>tute (FWII).

Robi Damelin, leader and spokesperson for the Parent’s Circle in Pales>ne/Israel, a peacemaking organiza>on composed of parents who have lost their children in the conflict.

Robin Youngson, physician and anaesthe>c specialist in New Zealand, interna>onally renowned for his leadership promo>ng compassion in healthcare.

Roshi Joan Halifax, Buddhist teacher, Zen priest, anthropologist, and pioneer in the field of endof-life care; Founder, Abbot, and Head Teacher of Upaya Ins>tute and Zen Center in Santa Fe.

Tom Williams, co-host of the Partnership for a Compassionate Louisville; founder and chair of Restora>ve Jus>ce Louisville, Inc.; past President of the Louisville Bar Associa>on.

Vinciane Rycrog, Director and Co-Founder at Mind with Heart in London, United Kingdom; main organizer behind the interna>onal conference Empathy and Compassion in Society Conference.

Will Poole, Social Technologist and angel investor, co-founder and Managing Partner of Unitus Seed Fund, former corporate vice president of the Unlimited Poten>al Group at Microso` Corp.

Yaffa Maritz, co-founder of Listening Mothers, using reflec>ve and mindful techniques to increase enhance paren>ng; founder and director of the Community of Mindful Parents.

Zeid Abdul-Hadi, Co-Founder, Vice-Chairman and Chief Execu>ve Officer of an investment and development company in Amman – Jordan; founder of Charter for Compassion Jordan.