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CAP H2 LFN 2004 (Established by Decree 39, 1989)

EXAMINATION: Professional Licensing Examination


CATEGORY: Professional Diploma (PD)

SUBJECT: Health Records Management (HRM)


: 9AM - 12PM 3 Hours

DATE: 5th JULY, 2022 your answers numbered to question have fresh to commencing on

 It is not necessary to copy each question before giving your answers are clearly numbered to correspond with the question you have chosen.

 A fresh sheet is to be used when commencing an answer on a new question.

 Poor expression and presentation would be penalized



1 a. Distinguish between medical records and health records.

b. Explain the difference between Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records System.

c. Explain the need for accuracy when Information in the patients' health record.

2. List five (5) sections in Health Records Department and discuss copy the answer(s), but make sure that sheet is answer be penalized VE (5) Electronic documenting Demographic and Clinical sections Department their functions. b. List five (5) demographic information c. Describe the filling systems

3 a. Explain the roles of ‘Patient Information management system.

4 a. What is an outpatient appointment b. Enumerate five (5) benefits of c. List and describe two types of outpatient appointment d. List three (3) methods of maintaining outpa

5 a. Explain misfiling and mislaying of patient records b. Enumerate five possible causes of misfiling and mislaying of patent records. c. Describe five (5) ways by which misfiling and mislaying of patients can be prevented.

6. Write short notes on the following records numbering methods: i. Annual ii. Date of birth iii. Family iv. Primary Health b. Describe the process of obtaining consent for a procedure. c. Explain five (5) conditions under which patient's information may be released a third party without a consent.

7 a. Explain a CONSENTS in the context of patient care management.

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