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Conversations for Your Community

A monthly look at what's happening in the Orlando area, along with fun facts and important reminders.

By Rich Maladecki

Per many researchers, one of the most important personal lifestyle habits to do each day or each week is: “Do Items that You Enjoy”. So, today focus on experiences that please and adds to a positive and reflective outlook. Try this “Old Fashion Idea” to enhance friendships and relationships: Set a goal of writing and mailing (yes, using snail mail!), one sincere letter or meaningful card per month! Imagine the impact this thoughtful gesture may have.

Exercising regularly can be challenging with our hectic and complex lives, but exercising with friends or family members may contribute to developing that needed routine.

Develop a quartering routine

(the first weeks of January, April, July and October) of changing your HVAC Air Filters.

Let’s experiment and try this new healthier food option: The Impossible Burger, a plant-based alternative to traditional meat-based burgers. Too many of our neighbors have praised this option as delicious and mouthwatering.

Have you considered purchasing a wireless home thermometer? This may be a wise tool for your family’s First Aid kit. Remember: always consider the healthy option of taking the stairs. This is good for your heart and to relieve stress.

Don’t forget to smile!

Research indicates that individuals who regularly smile can elevate moods and simultaneously relax the body, leading to positive attitudes and meaningful lives.