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Get to know the adorable winners of the 2021 Cutest Baby Contest!

Special thank you to Leu Gardens for hosting us at this year’s photo shoot. Check out the Dinosaur Invasion exhibit through April 18.

1st Place: Zeke

Proud parents: Allen and Lindsay Community: Sanford What are some of Zeke’s favorite things? He loves to dance! He will dance to just about any kind of music. He likes playing with his dogs, Flash and Diego. He also loves any kind of ball! What is Zeke’s most precious moment? One of Zeke’s most precious moments would have to be when he started walking at 9 months old. We were so excited! It seemed as if he skipped crawling and went straight to standing up and taking steps. Now, he is running everywhere!

What is your favorite story to tell about Zeke?

It would have to be the story of him being born. It was the absolute best feeling to be able to finally see him after what felt like the longest pregnancy ever. Everything, from the beginning to the end of delivery, was just perfect and it was something that I had been hoping would go just right. After meeting Zeke we felt like our family was complete and now we couldn’t imagine life without him!

2nd Place: Ayeza

Proud parents: Mahek and Fahad Community: Orlando

What are some of Ayeza’s favorite things?

Ayeza is very active and a fun-loving girl who loves to smile all the time. She enjoys building blocks with her older sister and brother, climbing on her little slide, and playing with her bounce and spin puppy. When she’s not playing with her toys, she makes TikTok videos with her siblings. Ayeza loves giving us kisses, which we can’t get enough of. What is Ayeza’s most precious moment? The most precious moment of Ayeza was when she pulled herself up to stand while holding on to our sofa and then she let go of her hands and was standing without any support for a few seconds at only 7 months of age.

What is your favorite story to tell about Ayeza?

Whenever Ayeza’s daddy comes home from work, she crawls very fast towards him and keeps following him until he picks her up and cuddles her. BORN AT ADVENTHEALTH FOR WOMEN!

3rd Place: Emerson

Proud parents: Jennifer and Steve Community: Williamsburg

What are some of Emerson’s favorite things?

He loves anything that makes a rattle noise, playing with cars (specifically the wheels), his ball drop and ball pit, laughing (especially with daddy), yogurt and his grandparents.

What is Emerson’s most precious moment?

The moment we got to meet him. We feel very fortunate to have had him a few weeks before hospital rules had to change. It was my husband and I, along with my parents, there to greet him as he made his way into the world and our hearts. We were all immediately smitten and have only gotten increasingly more so.

What is your favorite story to tell about

Emerson? Hearing his belly laugh for the first time. We went to a friend’s house for a socially distanced visit, and her husband was bouncing a ball to their daughter. This sound and action was absolutely hysterical to Emerson. He really is such a happy and giggly baby who still loves strange new sounds and playing ball himself now.

Cutest Babies Born at AdventHealth for Women

AdventHealth for Women’s Focus on Whole Person Care

AdventHealth for Women offers a whole person approach to health care that embraces women at every stage of their lives. The AdventHealth for Women care network includes four Baby Place locations and an extensive support network for new parents, including Birth Experience Coordinators, parent education, lactation services and more.

Our world-class physicians provide personalized expertise close to home. From well-woman checkups and mammograms to OB care and pelvic health, you’ll always have a choice of experts in a variety of specialties. And our specially trained Women’s Health Navigator helps manage your health throughout your lifetime by finding providers and helping to coordinate your whole family’s care.

Our nationally recognized care is focused on delivering health care that is coordinated, streamlined and convenient. Learn more at AdventHealthforWomen.com.