3 minute read

Rafael Vigilantics


Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.


A. I’m Rafael Vigilantics, I’m a writer and a musician. I’ve written songs for other people and children’s books, and my own music of course, articles for magazines etc. Right now I have a new punk project called TombSnakes with our first release on 4/18 with Blank City Records.

Q. Who motivated you to be the person you are today?

A. I think I’ve largely been motivated by my imagination and the wild land I grew up in. It was full of its own stories and ones you had to craft yourself to make sense of it. My mother of course, she’s an amazing artist and folk singer and the adventures of my youth that helped define my sense of what’s important.

Q. Why do they call you “Iggy Pop of Hip Hop” what’s the meaning behind the name?

A. I think the Huffington Post said that probably because of style and stage presence and coming at things from a bit of a rawer DIY ethos. I never really meant to get on Hip-Hop tours it just naturally evolved that way because I was making music solo w/ beats and so I got lumped in with a great crew of artists. “Vigilantics” started as a clothing brand actually. I would

sponsor bands and tour with them selling my merch and theirs. Then it just evolved with me as I became a musical artist as well.

Q. Let’s talk about your single and the motivation behind the song?

A. I have a new single coming out on the 18th w/ TombSnakes. The first line of the song is “So many snakes, so little time by the sea.” It was literally just an honest, almost childlike reflection on the last 5 years in LA. Just dealing with every kind of backstabbing person in the industry and having gone to the ocean like once. But also, I loved my time there and the whole other side of it. I got to write at Capitol Records and so many amazing opportunities and times.

Q. Can you give us more details on your two books?

A. One is called “Take Me With You/ Prayers, Poems & Threats.” It’s a book of short stories and threats and comedy. I got to tour it and it was almost like a comedy show, it’s really fun and reflective.

The other is called “Why Does Mama Cry At The Moon.” it’s more of a children’s book in a way, it’s illustrated, and it just deals with what we perceive and how we present those perceptions. It’s a beautiful story about our emotive responses to the natural world and being a part of it.

"I'd love to go back to Ukraine, they were such an amazing country to play for."

Q. What has been your greatest accomplishment so far in your career?

A. I don’t know about biggest but some of the best times we’re touring Europe and working at Capitol records, selling my first song for commercial, writing with some of my idols. Those are the moments that stick out, being my favorite artists favorite artist.

Q. How would you describe the music you typically create?

A. I’d say no matter the genre it always sounds like me. But it usually doesn’t fit in a box, it’s very lofi at times and always really heavily lyrically based. I try to build everything from the lyrics up. I think you can always tell I’m from the southwest. So Maybe Southwestern Gothic.

Q. If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A. I’d love to go back to Ukraine, they were such an amazing country to play for and Japan, I’ve never been and I’m craving some culture shock.

Q. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events?

A. I’m working on a new album with TombSnakes, and a new book and opening up my own music venue in Silver City, NM. Always just building and destroying and building again.

Q. How can the readers follow you?

A. My Instagram is @vigilantics everything else is under Rafael Vigilantics and the new project is under @tombsnakes.



Photographer: Gudrun Gabriel Stylist: Vivian Dinkins-Stith Make-up Artist: Yolanda Marshall Hair: Lisa Newton, Hair Game