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“ There were more positives being on Love Goals than negatives. I knew I had a hard time trusting men but I never knew it was a reoccurring factor from my childhood trauma. ”

Q. How is it juggling the adult entertainment world and your everyday life?


A. When I first started in the industry a wise woman told me it’s like any other job you’ll have in life. When at work you are an entertainer and that’s why people come, to be entertained. So, leave your home life at home and leave your work life at work. Since that day

I have done exactly that, making it a lot easier to juggle the adult entertainment world and my everyday life. Some days have been harder than others but who doesn’t have a bad day every once in a while.

Q. How was the experience doing

Celebrity Wife Swap?

A. My experience doing Celebrity Wife Swap was exciting, challenging, and very overwhelming. It was my first time being on tv and being away from my children for such a long period of time. Living with a complete stranger in their house and trusting another complete stranger to take care of my children was the hardest part of doing the show. However, the overall experience was very eye opening to my own reality in so many ways. In life, we get accustomed to the way things are and doing this show it helped me realize how our relationship was. Although I loved Coolio with all my heart I was not happy with the state of our relationship at that time. Especially after seeing it from a different perspective.

Q. What were some positives and negatives being on Love


A. There were more positives being on Love Goals than negatives. I knew I had a hard time trusting men but I never knew it was a reoccurring factor from my childhood trauma. I’ am so thankful Spirit helped me realize that. Knowing this has helped me let my guard down a little bit.

I still have a long way to go but

I’m working on it day by day. I’ve learned so much about myself and my man that’s helped us both grow in ways we might not have been able to if we had not done the show. The counseling was not what I expected but Spirit is absolutely amazing at what she does. The only negative part

about being on Love Goals is the fact that all the cast members became so close to one another while we were there. We truly had a hard time saying goodbye to one another. To this day, we continue to stay in contact and are definitely LOVE GOALS Family.

Q. What are some of the things you’ve been doing during


A. During the quarantine I have probably done more “Spring

Cleaning” then I have done my entire life. I have always kept a very clean and organized home but sitting in the house for so long you start seeing ways you can redecorate. Like the walls could be repainted or I could rearrange the living room, so that’s exactly what I did. I started with one room and ended up redecorating and painting almost the entire house.

Q. Have you picked up any new trades or Passions?

A. Yes, I have a new passion for cake decorating. I’ve always known how to bake a cake and put some store-bought frosting on it. But one day, I was extremely bored and watching tv. While watching

Cake Wars I thought to myself,

“I could do that.” So, I started googling ways to make frosting & fondant from scratch. The first few cakes I did turned out ok but looked like a kindergarten project.

After practicing a few more times, with a dash of patience and a pinch of creativity, I figured it out. I absolutely love decorating cakes.

I find it very relaxing. I get so excited waiting to see the reaction on adults and kids’ faces when they open the cake box and see what I’ve created for their special occasion.

Q. How did you get into Modeling and what challenges have you had being a model?

A. I was in the right place at the right time. I went to a gig and it kept going from there. I always get mistaken for Uma Thurman and that opened a lot of doors for my modeling as well. It wasn’t even something I ever thought about doing professionally; it just fell in my lap. For me, the hardest part about modeling is holding some of the crazy positions in order to get the perfect shot. Mastering the art of movement without moving.

That’s my shit! I love it!!! sounds very cliché but becoming a mom so young and a single mom on top of it was one of the hardest challenges I have ever faced in my life. I used to second guess myself and wonder if I was being the best mom I could be. Watching them mature into responsible adults has given me great satisfaction knowing that I have given my children the necessary tools in order to have a chance in this crazy world we live in.

Q. Tell us about the Mixer Book


A. The book launch was a great success. I was so proud to be part of it. It meant a lot for me to be able to share my story and my beliefs on the importance of educating our kids about predators and pedophiles at a young age. So, they can be aware and better prepared to know what to do.

Q. What is one fun fact about yourself?

A. I am a huge tomboy! I love sports, especially Football. I like

old school cars, 64-66 Chevy

Impala, 1979 Oldsmobile Tornado are 2 of my favorites. I also enjoy being outside and going to the shooting range.

Q. How is it being Coolio’s Wife and how do you separate the 2 so you have your own Light?

A. We’ve had our challenges over the last couple of years just like any other relationship. We have eleven kids between the two of us, two grandkids and two more on the way that keeps our home life exciting. But on the other hand, we definitely work well together because we are able to separate business from our home life by always supporting each other professionally. I’ve always had my own light in the entertainment world, and this is why we are able to launch a collaborative venture together.

Q. What are some projects you are working on

A. My manager Katrina and I are in the process of working out some endorsement deals. Coolio and

I have several projects in the works i.e... a possible clothing line which would include bikinis and lingerie. I can’t give too much away right now but what I will share with you is, it is something that’s never been done before by a couple in the entertainment world. Hopefully, we will be premiering it in early 2021. So, keep an eye out and subscribe to our websites for all upcoming events. mimiiveyrevealed. com and coolioworld.com Or follow us on @mimi513 and @coolio.

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