2 minute read

Edward Sylvan

“The time to be most focused is when you are down. ”


SEGI TV Chip Ganassi GMC Hammer EV

Q. Tell everyone who you are and what you do?

A. My name is Edward Sylvan, I am the

CEO and Co-Founder of Sycamore

Entertainment Group Inc.

Q. Can you tell us about your company “Sycamore

Entertainment Group” and the motivation behind it?

A. Sycamore is a full-service Film and TV marketing and distribution company. We distribute our films through traditional theatres as well as through our over the top streaming platform SEGI.TV. The motivation behind the company was seeing how filmmakers of color and other underrepresented content creators struggle to bring their projects to life due to the lack of understanding of the financial aspects of filmmaking, as well as not understanding the distribution process. As I come from a financial background, I was able to educate filmmakers about the process. effort to bring awareness to our channel and to create new and unique content, we are currently the primary sponsor of the #10 Indycar for Chip Ganassi Racing team #99 SUV in the Extreme E racing series. We are also working with an Esports company to do cross promotions as well as create exclusive content for our channel.

A. The main roadblocks to when started was the lack of relationships in the entertainment side of the business and gaining the trust of the filmmakers. Hollywood and the entertainment industry as a whole are a very insulated and small community. It took me many years of attending film festivals and networking within the industry to develop the relationships needed to get access to quality films and people to help me along the way.

Q. You wear so many hats what has been your biggest challenge to deal with?

A. My biggest challenge is managing my time in such a way to keep what’s most important to the growth of SEGI.TV at the forefront by not getting distracted with other items that can be managed by other team members.

Q. What is the best advice you’ve been given?

A. The best advice I have been given as it relates to business is never give up not on your dream and to never take shortcuts and do it right the first time because in the end shortcuts will wind up costing you precious time.

Q. What are some things that you are working on with helping filmmakers of color?

A. Some of the things we are working on to help filmmakers of color is through making SEGI.TV a place where they can partner with us to show their films while offering them a fair revenue share so they can benefit from that hard work of producing the content.

We also are assisting in providing financing to various projects that would not otherwise be considered because of the projects inability to navigate the normal channels film projects have to go through in order to be considered.

Q. Is the brand working on any exciting new projects?

A. SEGI.TV is currently working on a few exciting marketing projects that involve both the

Esports world as well as motorsports. In an

Q. Where can the readers follow you?

A. Readers can follow me on:  edwardsylvan our streaming site  SEGI.TV and  corp.SEGI.TV.

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