1 minute read

MY STORY: Professional Pride



The competence or skill expected of a professional. The key to quality and efficiency is professionalism.


Having professional pride means being proud of your work. Here, six workers in jobs within Healthcare, Childhood and Youth Development explain what makes them proud of the work they do.


professional pride yrkesstolthet/ yrkesstoltheit efficiency effektivitet to appreciate å sette pris på / å setje pris på p. 70: pharmacy technician apotektekniker / apotekteknikar frown rynket panne, misnøye / rynka panne, misnøye at-risk risiko, i faresonen / risiko, i faresona shady skummel, tvilsom / skummel, tvilsam to petition å be om, å søke om / å be om, å søkje om to accomplish å oppnå first responder i førstelinje hesitation tvil, usikkerhet / tvil, uvisse

I work as a health worker at the Santa Clara Retirement Home. My patients are in their eighties and nineties, and I’m only twenty-five. But that’s no problem. I was really moved and a little proud last week, when a patient’s daughter visited. The daughter took me aside and said, “Jennifer, my mom really appreciates you. She says you’re like another daughter to her.” It’s things like that which make me proud.

A procedure is a manner of doing something in the correct, or at least most common, way. The ability to follow procedures is important to people in all kinds of professions. In the text on the next page, Sarah, a young kindergarten assistant, describes a work procedure she has managed to complete.

PRACTISE: Linking words and phrases

Go back to p. 61 to learn about linking words and phrases. While reading the text on the next page, make a note of all the linking words that Sarah uses when she describes the procedure.