19 minute read

National Council of Negro Women

payment due August 1. PayPal payment via paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=UZEK724XQ2EEW. Checks or money orders may be mailed to NCNW Co-op City Section, P.O. Box 93, Bronx, NY 10475. For questions, call 646-305-8013 or email ncnwco.opcity@gmail.com.

Paint & Sip – Our last fundraising event of the month was a Paint & Sip at Confetti Paints, located at 3190 Westchester Avenue, Bronx, 10461 on June 25. The guests had a fabulous time exploring artistic talents they did not know they had and enjoying an afternoon of fun, snacks and camaraderie.


Independence Day 2023 – Independence Day, also known as Fourth of July, is a federal holiday observed yearly on July 4 (not the closest MonDeclaration of Independence of the United States of America from Great Britain in 1776. On July 2, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain occurred, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia. Two days later, its delegates adopted the Declaration of Independence, an historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin. Coincidentally, both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the only signers of the Declaration of Independence later to serve as presidents of the United States, died on the same day: July 4, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration.

Social Media –our website: www.ncnwcoopcitysection.com: on Facebook : NCNWCoopcityBethune; Twitter :@ NCNWCoop City; Instagram: NCNW Co-op City and email: ncnwco.opcity@gmail.com.

––Joyce Howard

Co-op City Times Photo Submission Process

When submitting club articles with pictures to the Co-op City Times, please DO NOT EMBED the picture/s in the Word document. Rather, send the actual picture/s as an attachment along with the Word document for proper print reproduction.

Images should be 300 DPI.

All submissions must be emailed to: cctimes@riverbaycorp.com.

Thank you.

Whistleblower Anonymous Hotline

If you have knowledge or a concern of possible violations of law, accounting irregularities, or other suspected wrongdoing affecting Riverbay, you are encouraged to report it to law enforcement, or you may report it through an anonymous hotline by the following methods:

Go to an independent website, www.lighthouse-services/riverbaycorp, to complete an online disclosure form; Call the following independent third party whistleblower hotline at 1-833-290-0009 (English); or 1-800-216-1288 (Spanish); Send an e-mail to: reports@lighthouse-services.com (the email must include “Riverbay” in the subject); or Send a fax to (215) 689-3885 (the fax must include “Riverbay” in the subject of the report).

American Legion Post 1871

Pursuant to the last General Membership meeting before our summer recess, Post 1871 was an active participant in the commencement of Co-op City Section 2 Summer Fun Day 2023 Pop-Up Picnic community-united event. Subsequently, as a continuation of our 2023 Pledge Drive, for the sustenance of our Post, we traveled to Manhattan to accept a generous contribution from Past Commander Jerome L. Rice.

On June 24 in Co-op City, we provided Color Guard representation during the playing of our “National Anthem” at the commencement of the event. Pictured left, Tiny Wood, the event manager, flanked by Legionnaires Edmonson (left) and Codrington (right).

In upper Manhattan later that same day, Commander Codrington and Service Officer Davis accepted a generous donation from M.W. Grand Lodge of New York F.A.A.Y.M.P.H.O., led by Hon. Grand Master Jerome L. Rice. Our Post was honored to attend the charity donation portion of their 67th June session entitled, “Restoring Integrity, Respect, Faith & Charity to the Craft,” commemoration (photo below). Pictured above left are Legionnaires Codrington and Davis, flanked at right by Grand Master Rice, and to the left, Mary A. Brown, Past Grand Worthy Matron accepting the Charity Donation, and US Armed Forces Veterans who are members of this fellowship, and also in attendance.

Upcoming Events

Today, as you continue your summer break, mark your calendar to attend one of the days of the 105th Departmental Convention to be held in Westchester County from July 17-23. Contact us for further information. Your Post-designated delegates Feliciano and Davis are available for any further information you may require participating in this annual convention.

Contact Us

American Legion Post 1871, 135 Einstein Loop, Room 41, Bronx, NY 10475; 718-320-8165; email: post1871@oponline.net; website: https: www.legion.org.

––Antonio Codrington

Building 19 Association

Hello, Building 19 family. Happy first full week of summer. Like school students, Building 19 Association will be on summer break now until September. So, there will be no committee or general meetings during the July-August period.

I want to thank those who attended our June 16 general meeting. I also want to thank our Guest Speaker, Lynda E. Morfe of Neighborhood SHOPP, for her presentation about her organization and the services that it provides to Bronxites. She described some of the free resources that Neighborhood SHOPP offers its clients, especially senior citizens, such as its Caregivers Program and Violence Intervention & Prevention (VIP) Elder Justice Program. For those who are interested in learning more about the various services of Neighborhood SHOPP, you can call 718-542-0006. On a separate note, I want to congratulate our member, Carmen Ramos, for winning the 50/50 raffle that was held during the General Meeting.

As I mentioned at the General Meeting, the Association plans to address the ongoing problem of undelivered packages with recipients’ apartment numbers left in the lobby by a particular delivery company by sending a complaint email. If anyone sees an undelivered package by the company of concern in the lobby, please take a picture of it and the label clearly showing the recipient’s name, address, and apartment number and email it to me at leontulton@yahoo.com. The Association will include photos with the complaint email to the company to emphasize the undelivered package problem.

Finally, the Association will be holding a fundraiser Bake Sale on October 7 from 12 p.m.-3 p.m. in the lobby. Please save the date. If you are interested in helping by either volunteering or donating a baked item, please contact me. Have an enjoyable summer and stay safe.

Safe Bicycling in New York City

The NYC Department of Transportation advises that bicyclists have all the rights and are subject to all the duties applicable to drivers of motor vehicles. This includes obeying all traffic signals, regulating signs and pavement markings. Bicycle riding is permitted on arterial and local streets throughout the city even though no designated route exists. Bicycle riding is prohibited on the roadways of certain bridges, expressways and highways. Often a separate path exists on these facilities for bicycles.

Shareholders of Co-op City are reminded that there are restrictions on crossing sidewalks. Bicycles should not be ridden on sidewalks unless signs allow or wheels are less than 26 inches in diameter and the rider is twelve or younger. Bicycles ridden on sidewalks may be confiscated and riders may be subject to legal sanctions.

IMPORTANT NOTICE To Clubs, and Religious and Community Organizations

The deadline for submission of articles from clubs, religious institutions and community organizations is 5 p.m. each MONDAY. Articles received after this deadline will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis, and as space allows. The deadline for Directors’ viewpoints is 5 p.m. on MONDAYS Submissions can be emailed to cctimes@riverbaycorp.com, or dropped off to Room 21, Bartow Center.

Mattress Disposal

The City of New York requires all residents to fully cover all mattresses or box springs in a sealed plastic bag for garbage disposal and collection. This rule was intended to prevent the spread of any bed bug activity.

Please note that mattresses that are infested by bed bugs must first be exterminated prior to covering for disposal. Please contact your respective CSO for an appointment with the exterminator. This is a free service provided by Riverbay Corporation.

Under the rule, failure to place a mattress or box spring in a proper bag will result in a $100 fine imposed by the City. In addition, Co-op City residents who violate this rule may be subject to a Community Complaint with related fines and legal fees. (The City of New York and Riverbay do not provide mattress or box spring bags or covers.)

Plastic bags to cover mattresses and box springs are available at department stores, home improvement centers and large moving companies. They can also be purchased online.

Please follow this rule when disposing of mattresses and/or box springs.

These covered items are then to be brought to the basement Ash Cart room where they will be picked up for proper trash collection.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation in this matter.

Good Day, Co-op City, During the past several months, I have been chairing the Election Committee with fellow shareholders Kenneth Graham and Blossom John. Both are passionate about the community participation we have from residents and shareholders, and recognize that this participation is what keeps us functioning and thriving. They are also dedicated to increasing the local votership, and understand that voting is the foundation of having a presence. I am thankful to with me and undertaking a huge task.

However, the Committee’s work was prematurely stopped when, in an unprecedented occurrence, shareholders were denied a second extension. Never in Co-op City history has quorum not been completely, if not surpassed. Based on the trends that we were seeing, we felt positive that quorum could have been achieved within two (2) weeks considering that we had 91% of the shareholders needed to meet the minimum requirement, consistent with prior years. My feeling is voting “No” was a misinformed decision. No discussion was allowed during the Board meeting when Emergency Resolution 2330 was presented. The only question that a director attempted to ask was denied by Board leadership. The swiftness of the vote and the lack of opportunity for discussion made the vote seem premediated. Regardless, my opinion is that not extending the election is a massive disrespect for every shareholder who made an attempt to vote, or even considered it. It diminishes the faith that shareholders have in the Board to reinforce that their voice matters. How can we represent shareholders’ interest if Board members have made it clear that shareholders’ voice play no role in how we live?

From my perspective, there are many reasons achieving quorum is a challenge: unaddressed subletting, lack of faith in the Board for not focusing on shareholders’ complaints, antiquated communication methods, etc. However, I assure you that was not impossible to reach quorum, and at the last moments, these weren’t barriers that would have impacted 299 shareholders from voting. Our most pressing issue to immediately meet quorum was money, accountability and coordination. We are consistently tasked with selecting the lowest bid of for an election service bidding process to see if there were more vendors interested than a pre-made list we previously used. Although about nine vendors expressed interest, we received a response from only two. Please note that there are not many election vendors that service New York and we, as an establishment, have many requirements: large scale paper ballot printing and mailing/distribution which many servicers no longer do as electronic voting manpower requirements for receiving ballot, tally-vice demands, etc. Our size and needs may be intimidating to some bidders, overall. the lowest bidder offered a contract not to exceed $30,000, while the second bidder offered a $48,000 poration, a budget that the former Executive General Manager described as having “no fat,” and an extremely tight timeline, I did not ask the Board for more money where I knew there was none. Therefore, since 2017 and that I personally had some concerns with based on my experience as a candidate last year and as chair of the Election Committee this year.

I received the excuse that “shareholders are tired” from some directors as their reason for stopping the election. Up until the day we voted on the extension, some shareholders continued contacting our Legal department by phone and in person to assist with getting misplaced or unreceived ballots. Interest was still decent, but the multi-step task of receiving a paper ballot, or electronic ballot information, remained, in my opinion, to be as much of an issue as it had been in past elections when shareholders would request either electronic or paper ballots and would not receive them in time. Shareholders were of the election. This resulted in a surge of 133 electronic votes in one night, the third highest number of electronic votes for this season. We were 94% towards accomplishing quorum. I do not believe that this is an indication of shareholders being “tired.”

Honestly, I agree that shareholders are tired, but my colleagues need to complete the sentence. They’re tired of broken campaign promises of things being different every term. They’re tired of having unmet needs of cooperative living. They’re tired of the lack of accountability that the Board holds Management to when service departments’ quality expectations aren’t met and continue to deteriorate. They’re tired of the Board’s lack of transparency, for which a few of us have advocated for but have been met with resistance. When I hear that some shareholders are boycotting the elections, we need to look in the mirror of how the Board, past and present, has continued to erode the trust that shareholders have in this leadership entity. Stopping this election within any trust that people had left in why they should continue to engage. I’m sure holding the June 28th Board meeting at which shareholders were not allowed to voice their anger that their vote didn’t matter and we wasted $30,000 on an election contract that would have been the same if we did nothing at all, only causes more damage. This isn’t an issue of integrity to the people who put us in this position.

As always, please feel free to contact me via email at lwright@riverbayboard.com or at 2049 Bartow Avenue, Attention: Board Liaisons, Bronx, NY 10475. My apologies to those to whom I still owe a response. I’ll be working on addressing you expeditiously.

Black Forum

Emergency Food Pantry (Free) – 920 Baychester Ave., Bldg. 1A (entrance would be one month from the last pick up or after. It is a 30/31-day rotation on average. Black Forum will text registered guests if items outside of regular distribution become available. All guests must present a pantry card to receive food.ping cart. Please do not bring black shopping bags because black ink can transfer to the food, posing a health hazard. We require masks and physical distancing. Palmer Avenue to pick up groceries. They open on Thursdays from 11 a.m.-1 guests has ended. Please check back to see when we will resume accepting new guests and recertifying former guests.

Terms of Service – Serving the public as swiftly and effectively as we can is

Broun Place Townhouse Association

Dear neighbors, a letter was received from “Home Protection Direct, Home Warranty Division.” This is a bait, a way to get you to call Home Protection Direct. Do not do it. It says it is warning you that your property’s home warranty is expiring. There is no such thing for us. It is a gimmick trying to get you to make a purchase and sign up for a policy that supposedly covers you for home repairs. Do not fall for this hoax.

Next advice, neighbors, keep up on checking your credit card activity. Every few days, review your accounts and follow-up if you think there is suspicious activity. I missed a couple of days. When I checked, my balance had tripled to look like an alternate delivery address. At this time, a police report has been

Broun Place and Adler Place B Townhouses have received a letter from and railings on our balconies “upgrades, coverings, installations without per- stalling, these installations are for insulation and protection. Prior, we have never been asked or told to remove the webbing. A meeting to discuss has been called.

We recommend that you read your Directors’ viewpoints and attempt to un-

This behavior of apathy is going to destroy what should be a democracy. We should be able to debate, discuss and compromise in order to live in our unique middle-income community.

Association committee is seeking Broun Place residents to serve on our executive board. The secretary’s position and member-at-large are open. Please do not leave bags of clothes on dumpster pads or next to recycling bins. Items for recycling belong in the blue or pink bins in the front and rear of and blue are for all other house garbage. Mattresses are required to be covered. Communicate your issues to us.

––Eva Kindaichi-Lazaar our aim. This is not always practicable, particularly if a delivery arrives in the middle of a service. The staff is in charge of unloading those things; they have to move faster, it is not helpful. Additionally, it is risky for everyone when visitors obstruct workers emptying pallets. Three thousand pounds of food to un-

The Board of Directors of Black Forum has advised the staff that they have the right to deny service to anyone who is rude, upsetting, confrontational or threatening to other guests or staff. This includes not staying on the line and instead leaning on the pillars. Standing against the pillars also blocks residents trying to walk along the path. While we respect your time, we must also unload the trucks so that the neighborhood can be fed. Please be kind and patient so that we can feed the neighborhood.

Defensive Driving Class – Black Forum is not sponsoring in-person defensive driving classes at this time. We hope to resume classes in the future.


––D. Illis

Building 21 Association

Great News!

The next Building 21 Association meeting will be held in our gathering room in Building 21B in the back of the lobby. Yes, we will be returning to live in-person meetings in September! We want to thank all of you for continuing your

September will be our Executive General Manager, Marvin Walton. But wait, there is more! Some wonderful new innovative things are coming. That is right, we will be revisiting our rewards program with members winning cash prizes of $300/$200 and $100. Yes, it is going to be super exciting! Stay tuned for details. Advanced hint: You should wear your Section 4 Partnership shirt along with having your Building 21 Association dues paid when you attend Tunes on Tuesdays this summer.

Always stay plugged in

Find a group or organization that suits you. Join the African-American Association of Co-op City, or the Spanish American Club, or one of the numerous clubs and organizations of this community and always stay plugged in to your Building Association. Information on these groups can be found in this newspaper each week.

Floor Captains on Each Floor – In Every Building

All we ask of anyone kind enough to be a Floor Captain is as follows:

1. Contact Numbersbers and distribute to each neighbor

2. Co-op City Times

3. Elevator Notices

4. Promote

5. Encourage Your Neighbors to •

That’s all we ask! That is it!

If you have questions regarding the Building 21 Association, you have three ways of gaining information: email: 21association@gmail.com, month. We will resume our meetings in September.

Thank you for your participation.

––Kevin Lambright

Caregivers Outreach Mentorship Empowerment

The Summer Youth Intergenerational Tech Program begins July 5 until

Save the date: COME’s 17th Annual Family Caregiver Gala will take family caregiver to be recognized for their dedication in caring for a loved one. Zoom lenge” will resume in September.

––Diane Cooper


I Believe in America

He holds us in his hands, he blesses all our lands, We must have been a special part of all his plans, We pray he’s always there for you and me. I believe in America, I believe in all the stars and stripes, I believe in all the songs we sing about how freedom rings for all our different types.

I believe in all the rivalry, it’s a part of all our history I believe that every boy and girl could make a different world cause it’s their destiny.

I believe for every one that hates there’s always two that makes the love that’s felt by one and all.

I believe for all the empty hearts that make another start

I believe in the highest mountain, all the land from sea to sea, every road it takes from the Golden Gate to the Statue of Liberty.

Co-op City United Methodist Church IEMU de Co-op City

Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds. Come and Visit Us – We are a multi-ethnic and bilingual, spiritual growth, fellowship, and service to God and our community Services

Zoom Facebook Live

We know for a fact that God is a God of changes. As a result, change will hap because the uncertainty that comes with change leads us to feel that we do not that God is in control and has individual purposes for all of us in His eternal plan. His love for us, and His promises. He promised that all things will work together for good for those who love Him and keep His commandments. As we go through changes, we must remember that just as He did for the Israelites, God wants to is up to us to make a choice and follow His lead, to believe in His Word, and to trust in His plan for us as individuals, as a church, and as a world. So, let’s wel come the changes as we stand on His promises, and acknowledge that He will Come and Receive a Blessing

New Worship Schedule starting July 2, 2023: invited to have Communion.


Upcoming Events – Save the dates. All are welcome! Sunday, July 2 – Join us for lunch after service to welcome our new Pastor, Dave Jolly,

––G. Abadia

If you believe in America, you believe in you and me.

Building 22A&B Association

Dog Owners:

Do Not throw food off your terraces for the birds, or you will receive a Compactor Rooms: If you know who is not following the instructions for Laundry Room Etiquette: Fabric softener sheets should be picked up and Please remove your clothes from the washers and driers promptly as others are

The African American Association of Co-op City

History – The African-American Association of Co-op City’s name emerged in 1989 from former incarnations, called the AfroAmerican Club of Co-op City, the African-American Caucus and the Black Mission Statement – The intention of the African-American Association of Co-op City is to elevate the inhabitants of the community to their greatest po-awareness, training classes, programs, educational scholarships, and social ac-ating a smart community, taking advantage of technological advances that will

Join the African-American Association of Co-op City – Remember, membership is only $15/year for a single membership and only $25/year for your You can Zelle us your payment to become a member using our The

Upcoming AAACC Meeting & Events

September 15 –

September 17 – Field Trip, African-American Day Parade

October 15 –

November 19 –

December 9 – Pre-Kwanzaa Celebration (with the Coalition of African-

The AAACC sponsors the following programs for your participation: Belly Dance Classes with Xonia Wilson Evening Line Dance Classes with Cynthia Dixon – Contact: Cynthia, Yoga & Pilates Classes with Meena Sharpe-Hicks – Contact: Meena, Co-op City Baptist Church “Gospel Line Dancers” w/ Joyce Smith –

“Each one of us multiplied by all of us equals a force for good.”

––Michelle Marbury

Let us know…

Building 13 Association

Congratulations, Graduates: Your community of family and friends wish

Congratulations to you and your parents on your outstanding achievement! First and foremost, I must take this moment to thank the director of Parking -

Thank you to all who sent prayers to the rain gods and attended the awegloomy outside but we pushed forward and the weather was on our side with

Codrington and Lloyd Edmundson for serving our country and opening up our -

This fun-filled day is made possible by our Councilman Kevin Riley, Department of Youth and Community Development, Assemblyman Michael Kaufman, Riverbay Corporation Community Relations, Riverbay Fund, CCPD Reminder:


Visit our Facebook Page at: Building 13 Association Inc.–Co-op City. -

––Leslie Peterson

Building 25 Association

To all, have a safe and Happy 4th of July!

To be clear, graduates in Building 25 of all ages are welcome to submit their information. Please send us an email at our email address below and let us know who is graduating so that we may feature you in our article.

Wishing all neighbors born in July a happy birthday, and for those of you who are under the weather, we hope you get better soon. For our neighbors who continue to lose loved ones, our heartfelt prayers go out to you.

Due to our summer break, our next Building Association meeting will be held September 19 at 7:30 p.m. Look out for detailed information posted near elevators as we get closer to the meeting date. Remember, residents of Building 25 can always address any comments or concerns by emailing our building email address at building25ca@gmail.com. If anyone has problems contacting the building email address, please let us know.

We will close with the following: the sunshine.” –Mario Fernández

––Wanda Bailey

Building 10 Association

Greetings, fellow cooperators.

New Cooperators – Welcome, all new cooperators. We look forward to seeing you at the next General Membership meeting.

General Membership Meeting – The Building 10 Association would like to thank our Guest Speaker, Vanessa Aldea, director of CSO, for answering our questions.

Section 2 Summer Fun Day – A great time was had by all at the Section 2 Summer Fun Day. Looking forward to next year. Hope to see you there.

Suicide Prevention – If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or in emotional distress, the number to call for help in NYC is

1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355) or text “WELL” to 65173. The National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline number is 988; you can call or text. Someone is available 24 hours a day. Questions, Comments and Suggestions – You can contact the Building 10 Association via email at Building10Assoc@gmail.com. We are also on Facebook happenings in and around Building 10.

We would like to wish all who are born in July an incredibly happy birthday. Celebrating an anniversary this month? Happy anniversary!

To the homebound and sick, we wish you a speedy recovery.

To all who have lost a loved one recently, we offer our deepest condolences. Have a wonderful week.

––Jewel Crawford-Duncan

Building 1 Association

Good day, shareholders.

The next Building 1 Association meeting will take place on September 20.

The Building 1 Association and all shareholders who were in attendance on May 21 during the General Meeting would like to extend a wonderful thank you to Executive General Manager Marvin Walton for taking time out of his busy schedule to meet with shareholders and answer all questions.

Summer 2023 has arrived. Enjoy the weather and be safe.

Once again, congratulations to all students who have graduated from pre-K through college.

Also, congratulations and much success to all students who were promoted to the next grade level. A special congratulations to all young people who will be working with the Summer Youth Employment program starting in July. My words of encouragement to you are:

1. Be sure to arrive to work on time every day.

2. Remember that your attitude will determine your altitude.

3. Please, at all times, conduct yourself in a professional manner.

Once a month in July and in August, Building 1 will be conducting a Bake Sale. The monetary proceeds will go towards holiday decorations for Building 1AB. ––Desiree Scurry

Building 20 Association

Dear Building 20 friends and neighbors, our elections and assisting us in times of need.

Thanks to everyone who attended the Building 20 Association meeting on June 15. Our Executive General Manager, Mr. Marvin Walton, spoke to us about how he plans to move forward in the leadership of this cooperative, working in partnership with the Riverbay Board of Directors, the shareholders and Management. Attorney Jeffrey Buss, Esq. was also present to update us on the Riverbay Board of Directors elections and the importance of voting. They responded to all of our questions.

My special thanks is extended to the members of our executive board, including Laverne Hamilton, vice president and chairperson of the special projects committee; Sylvia Lewis, recording secretary and chairperson of the recreation committee; and Yvonne Mitchell, sergeant-at-arms and chairperson of the Clean-up Committee. It is because of them that we were able to accomplish as much as we did. We are proud of our accomplishments and will list them on the Building 20 bulletin boards.

We will break for the summer and look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on September 20 at 7:00 p.m.

Have a great summer!

––Francine Jones