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Easter Celebration held on the Greenway last Saturday



Co-op City residents of all ages participated in spring competitions and festivities at last Saturday’s Easter Celebration.

The event was held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Section 2 Greenway at 140 Benchley Place. Volunteers and representatives from Martial Way Kung-Fu, Y.M.C.A, Co-op City Tennis Club, Truman Beacon Program, North Bronx Cowboys, Sylvan Learning, Uptown Riders and EmblemHealth, distributed information and goods like candy, baskets, and books. Local politicians arrived throughout the day to show their support.

“We’re gonna continue to keep [our children] motivated… to keep them inspired… to keep them in our thoughts, because it extends beyond the Easter egg hunt,” said State Senator Jamaal T. Bailey.

The senator thanked Michelle Sajous, Riverbay’s director of Community Relations, the Co-op City Public Safety Department (CCPD) as well as the NYPD’s 45th Precinct Council for their roles in organizing the day’s activities. Senator Bailey spoke to children in the audience about their spring break, and went on to introduce Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She informed and Tuesdays. “If you all need anything with any federal agency, we’ve got your back,” said Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez. raced through the greenway with baskets in hand. Members of Council Member Kevin C. Riley’s team facilitated the potato sack race, relay, as well as the egg-and-spoon races. Co-op residents of all ages participated in each race and

It was a day to “spread love within the community and [have] a good time,” said Council Member Riley.

Letter to the Editor •

The Co-op City Times welcomes issue-oriented letters to the editor to be considered for publication. All letters, in prose, not poetry, must be addressed to the editor, not to third parties. All letters must be signed by the writers and include their address, which will be

Gun Control

A letter in last week’s Co-op Times supporting gun control quoted Congressman Bowman as calling Republicans “cowards” for their opposition to gun control. I believe school shootings are a relatively recent phenomenon, and there may be several factors involved in these tragedies, and one factor may be a possible link between school shootings and the increased use of anti-depressants among young people.

The Second Amendment of our Bill of Rights guarantees the people the right to bear arms. It was not written to aid hunters, or even to defend the public against the acts of criminals. It was written to defend citizens against, in my opinion, an overzealous government trying to destroy the rights of the people. The original complaint was against the British government, and this led to the Revolutionary War. In recent years, I believe we see the government vastly expanding its control over the American people.

To me, it makes sense that schools could have a few properly trained administrators who have ready access to a weapon. Putting up signs stating that an area is a ‘gun free school zone’ merely emboldens the shooter.

I believe this is another reason that homeschooling is a valid response to the lack of morals, inferior education, and numerous other problems in today’s government schools. will steal them, and will even make them, if necessary. rity prisons. We already have enough laws on the books in liberal New York State. We need better enforcement of the laws we already have.

Do You Recognize Anyone?

Bronx Safe Disposal

Set for April 29

If you recognize anyone in the photos above, or know their families, please contact Ms. Petersen at (212) 2303101. Some items were found in the vicinity of Buildings 24-25 a couple of years ago that may have sentimental value to these families and the goal is to reunite the items with their rightful owners. Previous efforts have so far proved unsuccessful.

Letters To

We welcome letters to the editor, only from Co-op City shareholders, at Letters should address issues of interest to the Co-op City community. Comments should be fact-based and responsible. Letters should not personally attack others and must be written in a respectful manner.

Submissions must include the writer’s address and phone number – which ity and residency of the writer can be Thank you for your cooperation.