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Organizational Development

The Organizational Development department works with leaders across the organization to identify issues, facilitate dialogues, and build agreement and readiness for necessary change to best serve the needs and wants of our citizens.

Tlingit & Haida strives to be an ever-changing collective and collaborative entity that strengthens its sovereignty through enhanced economic strength and opportunity. This is accomplished by involving many voices, ideas and delivering value-added services. These values are learned from our ancestors and make our adaptive, collective resilience as Native peoples an explicit part of our organizational DNA.

Aan Shaa Wat Gee Yahl kii wahl daang 2021 Highlights Gail Cheney Senior Director ƒ Led TribeVue initiative to finalize training materials and identify top three to five (3-5) projects with management team. ƒ Co-created leadership development with the Tribe’s management team. With collective attention, 18 leadership development sessions were held in 2021, including topics such as agreeing on behaviors around Kotter’s Eight Step Change model to looking at the challenges of remote work. ƒ Collaborated with a target group of managers to conduct Learning Management System (LMS) research to identify a system that best aligns with Tlingit & Haida’s training needs. Three platforms were tested and a LMS was selected to use and build out for a launch in 2022. ƒ Started development of Managing Conflict of Interest training that will be implemented through the

Tribe’s new LMS. ƒ Facilitated a strategy session with Tlingit & Haida’s Youth Commission. The issues raised included decolonizing T&H, supporting and learning our Subsistence Lifestyle, and taking care of our elders and youth.

2022 Goals

ƒ Co-create LMS content to meet the Tribe’s training needs. ƒ Develop and implement a collective leadership assessment process and support creating customized learning plans for leaders, serving as a coach to each manager as needed. ƒ Create measures of growth in employees, capacity, and funding.