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The parade in Gosford after the 2012/13 Grand

MARTIN RAYNER - MEMBER #11111 MOMENTS MARTIN RAYNER - MEMBER #44099 1. My top moment as a Mariners Member would have to be the atmosphere in the Sydney Football Stadium for the Grand Final win and the emotion that went with it, especially when Macca's goal went in!

2. The parade in Gosford after the 2012/13 Grand Final was amazing. Hugs, smiles and plenty of tears were shed on that day.


3. Finally, being there for the first Grand Final against Sydney FC. Yes, we lost 1-0 but we made it as a small club against the big boys in the first season! Seeing the boys walking out that day, in the first Grand Final of the clubs history is something I'll never forget.

Want to share your Mariners Moments with us? E-mail your stories to info@ccmariners.com.au along with a photo and keep an eye on the next issue!