1 minute read

“ Your Living spaces affects your body”

Mary Kondo

In India where 39.1% of the total population are working professionals which sum to 400 million are spending 60% of their time at their workplace which is subsequently becoming a living space. Thus, the quality of the workplace will definitely have a lot of impact on their productivity and overall psyche.

The introduction of air-purifying plants from vertical gardens to green spaces not only raises the aesthetic appeal of the workplace, but rather it also does a lot of value addition to the overall quality of the workplace. It makes a lot of difference to indoor air quality thereby addressing the issue of pollution.

One of the emerging trends in enhancing the aesthetics and quality of the workplace is the presence of vertical gardens. Below are a few points to be considered for having a vertical wall/ garden in the workplace

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A vertical garden fits into any size and space, a great option for limited space but at the same time, the plants have limited space to grow. Hence the selection of plants plays an important role Plants also act as a sound absorbers, which helps in less sound distraction at the workplace

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Sustainability – vertical gardens are can save more water as compared to regular pots, its unique water system works as a great water saver

Though the installation can be more expensive than regular pots, the pre-made set ups are designed for easy setup and maintenance

Vertical garden embarks not only creative and attractive workplace but also helps in a cleaner environment

Summing up greens plays major part in creating workplaces which are life spaces for workforce.

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