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Some might perceive discipling as a one-direction ministry, an older more mature believer imparting biblical knowledge and wisdom to a newer believer or seeker However, many have found disciplemaking as a mutually beneficial relationship for both the “Paul” and the “Timothy”

That has been the case for Chuck Scherer and the man he fondly regards as his “spiritual father,” Fred Bills. The two first met more than 26 years ago in Grand Rapids, Minn when Scherer applied for a leadership role in the company Bills owned, Nelson Wood Shims During the interview, Bills stated a condition of employment would be to go through a Bible study together called Operation Timothy

“That would be highly illegal now, ” Scherer observed, “but Fred sensed we had a lot of differences and thought doing Operation Timothy together would get us on the same page since it has a lot to say about business, money, dealing with employees and other things"

“As we started going through it, reading and studying the Scriptures, I learned the Bible does say a lot about business – and everyday life But most important, I discovered how to have a genuine, growing relationship with God I had gone to church my entire life and knew about the Lord but had never heard anything about truly knowing Him"

“About a couple months in, meeting with Fred at a local restaurant, that’s when my life changed I stopped living for me and started living for Christ as best I could I went from a mindset of ‘he who dies with the most toys wins’ to laying up treasures in Heaven"

One element of Operation Timothy is developing a life purpose statement, and Scherer eagerly took on that challenge Today he states his purpose is, “To live my life to the fullest by honoring Christ so that people may see, seek and find Christ as their Lord and Savior Romans 12:1-2 talks about living for Christ, being a living sacrifice, and that is my desire”

In addition to their weekly discipling interactions, Scherer helped Bills in one special way more than 20 years ago At a CBMC conference in St Louis, Scherer attended a workshop on Trusted Advisor Forums (TAF) “I learned it is designed for business owners and top executives, so I thought it would be beneficial for Fred It was and he became very involved as a Forum member and leader”

At the time, there were five Forums in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul, but none in northern Minnesota where they were located Seeing the value of being part of a Forum, Bills and Scherer determined to team with Don Hoffert, their CBMC Area Director, to start groups in communities nearby

“Being part of a Forum greatly improved Fred’s leadership skills, so we decided we should have one in Grand Rapids Up to that point there weren’t any in small towns, but we didn’t know it couldn’t be done so we went ahead and did it anyway Actually, we know it was all God’s doing – He just let us be part of the process ”

Following an informational meeting for a number of local business leaders, a TAF was started in Grand Rapids, followed by several others in the surrounding area In 2004, because of his executive role with the shims manufacturer, Scherer became a member of a Forum himself It has proved to be one of the best decisions he ever made.

“It has become the most important part of the month for my business and family,” he said “It’s like having a godly board of directors In 18 years, I have never come out of a monthly Forum meeting and said, ‘That was a waste of time’ It’s extremely valuable – I really don’t want to miss a meeting I’ve probably missed only two meetings during all those years"

“We talk about income statements, competitors, employees, our marriages, multi-million-dollar business decisions, just about everything and anything What’s said in the room stays in the room We pray for each other over the course of each month, and sometimes meet individually as well”

Now Scherer is a satisfied customer “When I tell other business leaders about Forums, if they say they don’t have time for it, I urge them to try it for one year I know they’ll find it the best investment they can make for their business As has often been said, it’s lonely at the top, so having all these guys to bounce stuff off of, it’s not so lonely”

In November 2019, Bills sold his business to the employees, hoping to see it continue as a Christianbased company Scherer assumed the role of president, adding another layer of importance to his TAF participation.

His involvement in CBMC goes beyond his Forum group, however Following the lead of his spiritual mentor who guided him through Operation Timothy, Scherer began taking other men through OT

“I’ve met with businesspeople, but also electricians, mechanics, linemen, policemen and firefighters I never know when God has a divine appointment for me – it might be in church, someone I meet at the auto repair shop, people I encounter each day"

“I had been deceived for 33 years; I didn’t know the truth. When people ask me about it, I tell them I used to be religious If they ask, ‘Well, what are you now?’ I tell them I’m just being faithful to the Gospel”

Operation Timothy is available in multiple formats, including digital But Scherer prefers OT Classic, since that’s the version Bills used with him, and he feels comfortable with it

“I keep Timothy studies in the trunk of my car. It’s a spiritual battle and you can’t persuade everyone to go through it, but I’m going to try to that end Most of the people I meet with are unchurched, so toward the end I try to get them into a good Bibleteaching church. It’s been my observation that when you reach the dad, you can reach the entire family”

This is a truth to which his wife of 36 years, Sue, and their sons, Ben, Josh and Zach, can attest.