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Life After School

Lewo Senior Years

Senior years at Lewo


A proudly comprehensive school, CBHS always strives for academic excellence. As on the sporting field, students are called to give their personal best. Regular homework is set and an organised home study program is expected of every student.

While a broad curriculum is offered, students’ selection of subjects is dependent upon demonstrated academic achievement. Each student develops personal academic goal setting. Our curriculum structure encourages each student to meet and exceed his personal best through a wide range of courses in both the junior and senior school.

During these years, students are given opportunities to develop their interpersonal and leadership skills through clubs, sports and school leadership positions.

Secondary curriculum

Excellence in academic results has long been established as a CBHS hallmark. From its establishment to the present day, the School has always produced high academic achievers.

In 2019 the Dux of the School received an ATAR of 98.35 and 49 students appeared on the NESA Distinguished Achievers List. CBHS Lewisham achieved a B6 or E4 in 20 different subjects across a range of Key Learning Areas including Advanced English, Extension Mathematics, Chemistry, Studies of Religion and Engineering

92% of CBHS students who applied to university have been offered a place in courses ranging from Bio-Medicine, Business, Engineering and Law, with a number on scholarships. Those who did not apply to university have used their Vocational Education Training to undertake apprenticeships and paid work in construction, plumbing, electrical, fitness and hospitality. Additionally, two students are now training to be pilots with QANTAS and Jetstar.