39 minute read


28th Annual Bull Sale

FRIDAY, February 24, 2023, Camrose, Alberta


Welcome to the 28th annual sale. On behalf of the Maxwell and Rancier families we would like to thank you for your interest in our programs and for taking your time to go through the catalogue. We are extremely proud of the set of bulls we have on offer. After many years of listening to our customers we hope we have the type and quality of cattle that you have been looking for.

As we write this, it has been a very mild winter except those few days just before Christmas. Other signs of a good year also give us reason for confidence. Lots of snow should replenish the dry soil conditions we had in the fall. Livestock prices are as good as they have been for awhile. Grain prices are still holding on to keep our profit margins in the black. Agriculture keeps our families very busy doing the jobs we love to do and allowing us some time for the fun things and the odd small vacation. At the end of each day, when you reflect back on your accomplishments, they are usually quite gratifying.- doing what you like to do, in a safe and healthy environment, and most importantly, with the people that make your day go smoothly.

We are very confident in the group of bulls we have on offer. They could be the most uniform and consistent offering to date. Both herds have made a huge commitment to raising a high quality product. We rely heavily on AI and ET to produce cattle that are functional and built for their environment. ET has allowed us genetics from the most superior cows in the breed fast forwarding the quality. We also do not take buying herd sires lightly. We both strive to get the best ones available to walk in our pastures.

The bulls are developed on a high roughage TMR ration and kept in large pens to allow them to get out and move around. The fact that over 85% of our customers are repeat buyers speaks loudly to the feeding programs these bulls are on. Attention to detail in feeding and management is very important to us. Both herds are frequently visited by experienced feed consultants. We guarantee you a bull that is structurally sound and has passed a semen test done by a licensed veterinarian.

We are very grateful of the support we have had over the past years from our customers. It is always exciting to tour new and old customers through the bull pens. One of the great parts of this business is the people we get to meet. Some have become long-time friends; you know that when a 5 minute phone call turns into an hour.

If you need any assistance in selecting your bulls, give any one of us a call, or better yet, stop by our farms before the sale. We are only a few miles apart. We also have a very competent sales staff that know our programs and will confidently handle your purchases. If you are not 100% satisfied, please let us know and it will be looked after immediately.

We invite you to Camrose for February 24 and look forward to seeing you sale day.

and Maxwell Families

Garth, Angela, Kade & Abby Rancier

(780) 385-2425

Garth’s Cell: (780) 385-5313 rancierfarms@xplornet.ca www.rancierfarms.com

Glen & Leigh Maxwell: (780) 336-2030

Glen’s Cell: (780) 385-5552

Bryce’s Cell: (639) 998-5053

Kevin & Pru Maxwell: (780) 336-2146

Kevin’s Cell: (780) 385-5625

Reece’s Cell: (780) 385-5394 gnlmaxwell@gmail.com www.maxwellsimmentals.com


$100 off per lot if picked up sale day. Bulls will be kept free of charge for a reasonable length of time, usually until you need them. In rare cases and for convenience reasons, you may be asked to receive your bull(s) when delivering other bulls to your area. All bulls must be insured if going back to the seller’s farm unless arrangements have been made between the buyer and seller. Insurance will be available on sale day.


Because of the quality and consistency of bulls offered, they will sell in everyone’s budget. It is very likely you will be able to buy all of your bulls here. Those of you who purchase three or more bulls at this sale there will be a 5% discount applied against your total purchase price.


The two breeders guarantee to sell you a bull that is structurally sound and has passed a semen test done by a licensed veterinarian. Both herds are on a very rigid health program.


Every year more and more bulls are purchased sight unseen because of the increasing number of repeat buyers. Contact the seller of the bull(s) of your choice, they will discuss the bulls with you and then forward you on to one of our very knowledgeable sales staff members. Then you, the buyer can get your business done in very confidential and professional manner.

TERMS & CONDITIONS: These bulls sell under the standard terms and conditions set forth by the Canadian Simmental Association.


The two breeders reserve the right to collect 100 straws of semen for in herd use only on any bull in our sale. Semen would be collected at the seller’s expense and buyers’ convenience.

Garth, Angela, Kade and Abby Rancier

Ph: (780) 385-2425

Cell: (780) 385-5313 rancierfarms@xplornet.ca www.rancierfarms.com

Directions: From Killam, 2 miles west on HWY 13, 4 miles north on RGE RD 141

Watch our website, Facebook, and Youtube pages for updated information and videos. *All bulls are DNA Parentage Verified in program has a pedigree huge bodied cows. A sister to 279K was a successful show heifer for Abby this past summer at the YCS show and another maternal sister calved in early January and is a very feminine, big boded heifer and dropped a beautiful udder like the 5 generations of donor cows on the bottom side of her pedigree.

We’ve had some bulls in the past that we’ve been very excited about but we’ve never had a group of flush mates that are as exciting as these 5 full brothers. They’re a soggy set of power bulls that all have lots of testicle and loads of presence. Their donor dam, RF Flirt 850F, is a cow that we are really excited about and a cow that you will hear a lot more of in the future. 850F is huge in terms of capacity, body dimension and rib, has a beautiful udder and is a 5th generation donor in our program. If you haven’t seen the video of her on grass on Facebook or Youtube just text me and I’ll send it to you or better yet come and see her for yourself. The consistency in this flush has us really excited and is something that is tough to find. The biggest difference between the bulls is the quality of recip that they were blessed with. There was one full sister born and she was a $62,500 Friday Night Lights high seller to Twin Springs and Black Gold Simmentals. Their sire, RF Shakedown 074H, was the $70,000 second high seller two years ago to MAVV Farms and has also been extremely consistent in his first calf crop on both the bulls and heifers. Semen on Shakedown just sold in the New Years Resolution sale bringing $650/straw and was kept very exclusive in his first calf crop. A maternal brother to these bulls was a favorite in last years bull sale selling to Riverside Farms and there is a group of exciting maternal sisters retained in our heifer pen. Don’t miss these 5 brothers that have the potential to have a huge impact on a program for generations.

Shaker is a great haired, smooth and soggy made bull with lots of performance. He’s been an easy bull to find and like all year with a little extra presence and look that goes along with his extra body length. Body length always pays with extra pounds and Shaker definitely has that. We can’t say enough good about the consistency of the first group of Shakedown sons and the daughters are equally as exciting in the replacement pen. Shakers dam is a good uddered, productive female that was a selection by Elite Cattle Co. in Australia and she has been a donor dam for them with embryo calves born there.

Glock 273K is from the first set of sons by the $150,000 RF Caliber that sold to KT Ranches and Canadian Sires. We are excited about the Caliber calves as a group and the extra body, performance and great hair that they all have. We are big on cow families and the predictability that comes with stacking generations of great cows in a pedigree. Glock 273K’s pedigree is stacked with great cows on both sides of his pedigree. A 2 year old maternal sister just calved and is one of our favorite 2 year olds and another sister has been a very productive young cow. A maternal brother sold to Chapman Cattle Co at Stettler. Check out his performance too with an actual mid Sept weight of 1020 lbs and epd’s in the top 1% of yw and top 2% for ww!

2102K is another smooth made, long bodied homo polled, homo black son of Shakedown. His dam is an ultra feminine, big hipped, tanky Throttled daughter that goes back to the 413B donor cow and always does a great job on her calves. Length always equals pounds, check out the 918 actual Sept 16 weight on this very end of January born bull.

2115K is a younger mid February born homo polled and black Caliber son. He’s stylish and long and has the straight and heavy Caliber hair that is so tough to find on cattle. His dam has been a productive cow with a maternal brother selling last year to Rocking Heart Range and Westbrook and her first calf was a bred heifer that sold to Foresee Cattle Co. The hardest thing to add to cattle is length but those extra pounds in length in a herd bull pay dividends at weaning time.

One of the bulls that was spotted all year was 2107K. He has extra extension and length and is wide based with great hair like all of the Calibers. The other reason he was spotted all summer was his dam is a massively deep bodied Renovation daughter with a great udder. They were a hard to miss pair on grass. She stems from the Flirt cow family and her dam was a very productive cow with 16 progeny registered and sons working in purebred and commercial herds and numerous daughters and grand daughters retained in our herd. Check out his performance numbers too after starting with a moderate birthweight.

Beretta 261K is a massive ribbed homo polled and black Caliber son that earned a 1030 lb actual Sept 16 weight. He has a big amount of volume and dimension. His dam has been a donor cow in our program and at 11 years of age still has an udder like a 2 year old. Daughters have sold to Lewis Farms, Hoegl Livestock, Wallgrens, and many daughters working in purebred herds. is just like his brothers in the sale; deep bodied and stout made, yet very attractive fronted and masculine. His dam is good uddered, deep bodied, blaze faced cow that came out of the Simpower sale from MAVV Farms and has a different twist to her pedigree for our program. She hit it out of the park on this one and he’s full of performance and muscle and has big testicles. Another bull that will leave you with a heavy set of steers and stylish set of heifers to build a herd around. been using some calving ease Angus bulls on some of our purebred heifers each year as a way to incorporate a different calving ease pedigree. Oklahoma has worked extremely well the last couple years and we calved out the first set of daughters and they are everything we expected. The best part about Oklahoma is that for as light and early as the calves come he certainly doesn’t give up any performance at weaning or yearling. 236K is a prime example of that starting at 85 lbs and quickly growing to a mid Sept weight of 932 lbs and exploding to a 1566 lb adj yw. Not bad for a heifers first calf and his dam is a beautiful young Boone Pickens cow out of the great 202Z donor. Check out his epd’s that rank him in the top 2% for CE, top 5% for bw and still the top 30% for yw! is another homo polled and black blaze faced Guardian son. He’s a smooth made, long bodied bull that boasts an 86 lb start and broke the mid Sept 1000 lb barrier along side a 2 year old Merchant heifer. She is a nice uddered brockle faced, hard working cow that did a whale of a job on her first calf and bred right back and calved early. Maternal power and performance along with smoothness and calving ease is a rare find. and 2409 are a pair of deep bodied, light birthweight, smooth made bulls that give up no ground in terms of muscle shape or performance. Southern Comfort and Southern Star have a bit of a unique outcross twist to their pedigree being sired by Southern Charm. Their dam is the favorite daughter of the legendary Brooking Beauty 333 and a cow that you will hear plenty of in the future as both she and her dam write their own history books. We’ve always believed that a bull will produce daughters that look like their dam. That makes this pair of bulls even more exciting as you could never have enough cows that look like 8062 or her dam 333.

2109K is a big topped, stout hipped bull that is densely made and packed full of muscle. The first Supercharged daughters are milking now and the only problem with them is we wish we had more of them because they’re great uddered, beautiful young cows and we had just about all bulls in his first calf crop. His dam 515C is a deep bodied, great uddered female and maternal brothers to 2109K have sold to Seibold Land & Cattle and Chester Blatz.

If you’re searching for bulls that are loaded with maternal power without giving up performance or muscle shape check out this pair of flush brothers. They’re soggy made, big topped, and both posted great performance numbers. Their dam is an eye catching blaze faced donor that has been a great producer in her short time with 2 daughters selling at Friday Night Lights for Wallgren’s and Mader’s and a son sold in our bull sale to Bear Creek Farms.

Combustible 255K is a performance bull that combines muscle and capacity with easy doing fleshing ability and an easy going, docile attitude. He’s full of performance in the right package that adds pounds and dollars to your bottom line. His sire is the $130,000 Supercharged that sold to Westgold and Canadian Sires. His dam was a Friday Night Lights purchase that turned into a beautiful cow that has put two bulls throught our bull sale selling to Melbern Holdings at Beaverlodge and Ben and Kandi Howard at Miniota.

Supercharge 285K is a long bodied, smooth made bull that has a little extra presence and style. He started with just an 85 lb bw, never slowed up and as an added bonus he’s homo polled and black. He packs some of the most prolific cows in the Simmental and Angus breeds all into one pedigree so the maternal power runs deep on both sides. Not only are the Supercharged daughters exciting but 2 full sisters to him were very popular with 956G selling for $110,000 for 2/3 interest to Double Bar D and 970G sold as a calf for $46,000 to Rust Mountain View. If you want a bull that will leave you with those stylish, stout, steers and you’ll still want to keep every daughter off of, don’t miss 285K!

201J is a stout made, moderate framed Favor son out of our great 202Z donor. When we were searching for something with a different twist to flush her to it led us to Favor. We saw both his sire and dam in North Dakota a few years ago and were excited about the foot and udder quality of both. 201J came early and started with a very moderate 81 lb bw. 202Z is the most famous and productive cow we’ve ever bred and was a many times champion and Supreme Champion in the show ring but even more importantly has set records with her progeny as a donor cow.

RF Daryl 204J is a moderate framed, soggy middled, easy doing bull that has a docile, easy going demeanor. He started with a very moderate 90 lb bw and exploded to weaning and posted a Sept 16 actual weight of 1075 lbs. Daryl 204J came in dam out of the Wilson Stock Farm Dispersal and while we really hoped for a heifer out of the great Hoop N Hollar cow we sure won’t complain about the resulting bull calf. It’s been a while since we’ve had a Captain Morgan son in our bull pen but it’s very tempting to go back and use a lot more when the sons look like this and the daughters were some of the most productive and profitable females we’ve ever owned and have had a huge influence on our program. If you need to add some middle, efficiency and performance to a calf crop check out 204J.

A pair of Yuma flushmates off the great 202Z cow that are loaded with length, thickness and performance. The Yuma sons did a lot of things right with a little shorter gestation, they calve easy and grow fast. The first daughters are calving now and they’re doing a great job as well. We’ve told the story over and over about their dam, 202Z, but with 79 direct progeny and nearing 600 grand progeny registered to date in Canada, and many more in USA and Australia, she has made a big impact on the breed. Check out the actual performance numbers on this pair of brothers too. They’re a docile pair of bulls as well which is good until you get in the picture pen and they don’t want to show themselves off. Check out their videos or else come and see them in person, because we think you’ll like them both better than the pictures.

You can’t make a pedigree much more predictable than this one. Combining the popular Betts on the top side with the proven 202Z on the bottom side and you get a stout made, great haired, big topped, middle of the road framed bull with lots of presence. In terms of cow power; the combination of Sage and Scream on the top side with the generations of Flirt cows on the bottom side results in a pedigree that is bulletproof when it comes to producing high volume females with great udders. A full sister was a many time champion and recently an $82,500 Friday Night Lights high seller to Westman Farms and many other maternal siblings have topped sales for the last decade. The only problem with Patent 283K is that his older recip dam didn’t let him grow up to his potential but we don’t think you’ll have a problem finding him in the pen.

Yuma combines performance and extra length into a smooth package. His dam is a beautiful uddered Husker daughter that did a whale of a job on her calf. Check out his actual mid Sept weight of 1035 lbs and adj yw of 1507! If you pay attention to EPD’s he’s above average for both bw and ce and ranks in the top 15% for ww and top 10% for yw. If you’re a pedigree buff you’ll notice that 276K is called a ¾ blood in the CSA herdbook but would be called a purebred in the American Simmental herdbook. Either way, 276K is a bull that will add pounds, length, and performance to a calf crop.

242K and 210K are a pair of full brothers in blood. Both sired by the $250,000 SAV Bloodline that was our favorite bull in the SAV bull sale when we visited there in 2019. Add his influential dam to the mix and it was no brainer to use him in our halfblood program. Not only that but their dams, 7102E and 7103E, are full sisters to the great 850F cow that is quickly becoming one of the influential donors in our program. A maternal brother to 242K is working for Mike Fawcett. Check out the 1105 lb Sept 16 weight and 1595 lb adj yw! These two brothers will add stretch and pounds without sacrificing depth and easy fleshing ability.

We have said it every year that we are committed to using the best of both breeds to produce our halfbloods. These two brothers are prime examples of that. The dam of 210K is a full sister to our 850F donor cow that just produced a $62,500 Friday Night Lights heifer to Twin Springs and Black Gold and she also has 5 more full brothers that are highlights in our bull pen. So why do we use Angus bulls on top end cows like this? We really believe that there is as much or more variation within our breed as there is between the two breeds. So when we put on the miles and see the bulls and their dams, we know that we are selecting the same phenotype and that will create as much consistency as possible. Bulls like this are what we are striving to produce with our halfblood program and also why they have become so popular with some very progressive cowmen. Once again, check out the performance on 210K with a 1015 lb Sept 16 weight and a 1611 lb adj yw!

235K is another product of an embryo purchase that we really hoped would be a heifer. That being said, we sure aren’t disappointed in this big time performance bull that has always been at the top of the pen in terms of pounds but doesn’t give up the “look” or soundness that are so tough to find in big performance bulls. If you have followed the story of the great B796 donor you’ll know that she was a dominant show female but more importantly she has become one of the most exciting red donor cows in the breed and her production record on both sides of the border is nothing short of dominant. 235K has always been the pen heavyweight posting an incredible actual Sept 16 weight of 1145 and a 1638 lb adj yw. If you need to add performance and frame but don’t want to give up middle and style don’t miss 235K.

219K is the lone Dew North son in our offering and the only Dew North bull that we had born. He came early and with major calving ease and explosive growth. Check out his epd’s ranking in the top 10% for BW, top 15% for CE, WW and MCE and top 20% for YW. His dam is a great uddered, bold ribbed 2 year old female that did an awesome job on her first calf and laid down and had a Caliber heifer calf in the first cycle as a 2nd calver. If you need a bull that will add some calving ease without sacrificing shape, style and hair check out 219K.

237K is a moderate framed Primetime son that offers tons of calving ease and maternal power. He’s smooth made and deep bodied and heavy haired and started with just a 64 lb bw. His dam is a maternally bred Structure daughter that stems from the Famous cow family that has produced many bulls. His dam is also a maternal sister to the dam of RF Capacity 742E and is a stylish and broody 2 year old cow with a great udder.

If you need to add performance or body and barrel to a calf crop check out 2402. He’s a Massive ribbed, stout made performance bull and just like our Bloodline sons earlier in the catalogue he comes with no shortage of performance. His dam Peak Dot Mia 247C is described as an ideal donor cow with great feet and udder and like all the Unanimous progeny, she flat out works. She has raised a $35,000 bull at Peak Dot and much like 2402 was a great footed, good haired, stout made bull. Consistency is key and 247C has no shortage of that.

The No Doubt sons in our pen were popular last year and for good reason, they do a lot of things right. 2417 is an upheaded, stylish bull that packs a lot of top and depth and length onto his frame. His dam is another donor from the Peak Dot program and is a massive bodied, deep made cow with exceptional foot and udder quality. The mating to No Doubt really clicked and it’s certainly another bull that you’ll want to keep all the daughters he sires.

Rancier Farms implements a comprehensive herd health program developed with Lacombe Veterinary Centre. The cows and bulls are all SelectVac GOLD+ verified. The bulls are fully vaccinated with a modified live respiratory and 8way clostridial vaccines and receive an internal/ external parasite control program. A breeding soundness evaluation, including semen testing, is performed on all the bulls.

Skylar Bieleny, DVM”

It is such a pleasure to be working with the Rancier family who are so dedicated to the cattle industry. The Rancier bull pen is a must see; the bulls are always so impressive, and a tour of the cowherd will have you quickly seeing why it is one of the best in Canada.

The bull feeding program is built to maximize forage utilization and gut health; they are developed on grass with their moms on a strict mineral program. All the forages are sampled and analyzed to ensure quality forages are used. Once the calves are weaned, they are slowly moved onto a balanced TMR.

The bulls are challenged with a forage-based TMR to help them develop and express their genetic potential. Matching suitable protein sources with proper starch is key to promoting lean muscle growth. Organic minerals are used to ensure proper immune function and overall health. If you have any questions about the nutrition program, please feel free to reach out. Buy with confidence knowing the bulls have been developed on a balanced nutrition program. Best of luck on sale day!


(780) 679-7220 tomj.mcneely@bullseyefeeds.ca reminds us a lot of his sire who was long bodied, deep sided, full of presence, and carried a big strong foot. His sire Landmark was our high selling bull in 2020 going to Deeg Simmentals and Muirhead Cattle Co., which both are giving us very positive reports on his production. We retained use on some semen and are very glad we did. He is doing an excellent job siring both high quality bulls and heifers and this guy is proof of that.

An extremely long made, meaty, and thick quartered herd bull that will be easy to find sale day. We sold two feature E.T full brothers off Brooke 68Z last year and this guy and his brother NUG 302K are pen favourites once again. Brooke 68Z just seems to click with who ever she is bred to and I think that says lot about the consistency this guy is capable of. We also have four full sisters to this mating that are all equal in quality as well and top the replacement pen. One of the sisters was a Friday Night Lights high seller to Duncan Kueber. If you are in the market for red bulls this is a very consistent set worth the drive to Camrose.

A feature red bull that we think has a big-time future ahead of him. Long bodied, deep quartered, strong topped, and big ribbed making him a bull with as much overall dimension as we have ever produced. He also has a ton of style and herd bull presence that Brooke is know for passing onto her progeny. Not to mention 302K has an awesome disposition that makes him even easier to find in the pen. Brooke has raised some impressive sons and daughters over the years and this guy could easily be one of her best. Right from a young age this guy caught our eye and continued to be a heavy weight at both weaning and yearling despite being one of the younger bulls in the pen. A bull that we truly think has herd bull written all over himself.

Here is another stout made ranchers bull who will get some attention sale day. A moderate framed blaze face bull with a super disposition and tons of hair. We believe these Landmark sons have a lot to offer the beef industry and are so consistent in their type. Kannon is backed by a Crosby cow who are known across the breed for producing performance beef bulls and easy keeping females. Some very proven genetics behind this guy.

A direct Red son here with huge herd bull potential and a definite feature bull of the sale. This guy’s stout made profile and friendly personality have made him a standout from day one. Kentucky is made very much like his sire; long bodied, loose hided, super stout, heavy haired, and full of herd bull style and presence. There is tons of power in this pedigree and is one that we think should advance any breeding program. His dam is a moderate made and tidy uddered Westcott female who are becoming some of our most productive cows. Here is a bull that will look as good on the last day of breeding season as he did the day you turned him out because of his easy keeping qualities and is one we are excited to see what he will do for his new owner. fleshing ability. Brooke seems to cross very well with whoever you cross her with and we have some full sisters to this combination in the replacement pen that are in the top end for quality. Not to mention there are more little dark red fancy guys on the ground again this year and we excitingly wait for their Brooke x Rancher brothers to arrive. An all-around bull from a very proven dam and sire.

A bull who has caught our eye from a young age and is one who really displays that herd bull character just like his sire. He is one of the longest bulls in the pen with tons of middle and anchored by a big square hip. 295K has an awesome thick cherry red hair coat just like his dam who is quickly becoming one of our top producing cows. His dam 28C also has two daughters in our herd that are looking to be equally as productive. A daughter produced one of our high selling red bulls last year to Rocky Meadow Ranch. If you are a numbers person 295K is in the top end across the board and has a set of weaning and yearling weights which are equally as good. We feel this set of red bulls are as consistent in quality as we have offered to date.

Dam of lot 55

A red blazed face pen favourite who comes from two black parents. 257K has many excellent qualities that are hard to overlook, super long bodied, well balanced, clean in his makeup, strong footed, a great haircoat, and really a complete profile that is hard not to love. His dam is one of our favourites and has close to as much capacity and dimension as any cow on the farm. We liked her so much from a young age that she quickly made the donor pen and we are sure glad we did. At nine years old she still has one of the strongest foot and udder structure’s on the farm and has produced very well for us. A blazed face full brother was a crowd favourite and high seller to Aric Burgmaier last year and another brother sold to Rogerson Farms. All in all she has had 9 bulls go through this sale and produced 6 females that are in production or are in the replacement pen.

One of the farm favourites with lots of performance, structural correctness, and heavy hair all tied together in a cherry red package. A bull who is very clean fronted and has calving ease built into his pedigree. 268K’s dam KOP 50Z has probably generated us as much revenue as any cow on the farm. She has had two very successful flushes leaving us several daughters in the herd. She also has herd sires working at Sather Simmentals, Swantewitt Simmentals, Jason Paulgaard, Paul Murray Farms, Doug Paulgaard, Posta El Cuatro, and Blair Anderson; all very high quality with some big time only had heifers until last year when her bull was our red high seller to Blair Anderson and David Mohr. Two of her heifers before that were high sellers in the Classic sale to TSN Livestock and Crowe Bros. We also have two daughters in the herd that are looking to follow in her footsteps. We flushed 319B to Rancher this spring and have some resulting cherry red calves running around the farm that already have that promising look to them. It’s pretty clear how much we like this bulls dam and we think anyone will be just as happy with her power house son. machine that still has that extra eye appeal and clean look that is common with his sire group. We acquired a small semen pack on American Red and both his bulls and heifers have been equally consistent in quality. 305K has a couple of sisters in the heifer pen that are just as powerful and free moving as him yet are very clean lined and super feminine. Maybe the most cool part about this guy is that his dam is mother to NUG Landmark who has bred so consistent for Muirheads, Deegs and ourselves. A bull with a solid set of numbers and one that will get out and cover a good group of cows.

Lots of volume and thickness with that extra length to stack up those pounds when his steers hit the auction ring. Again, a bull that is very sound on the move and should cover a lot of ground at breeding time. Another performance Precision son that is very similar to his brothers but with a little extra style.

Power and consistency in type in a homo polled package and a little more style with this guy. 231K’s dam has herd bulls working at Small Ranch and Big View Stock Farms. She produces those ranch bulls that will go out and get the job done.

Precision sons are all very much alike. Dark red mellow long bodied bulls with plenty of performance and enough hair to do well in our Canadian winters. Precision calves very well on cows and they get up, grow, and weigh up in the fall. If you need multiple bulls these Precision sons will give you lots of consistency in your calf crop.

Another long bodied, heavy haired and performance driven Precision son. His dam is one of the many productive Accelerator we have had over the years. She has produced herd bulls for H Bar M Cattle, Silver Smith Farms, Steffraa Farms and has daughters at Red Willow Ranch, KT Ranches, and we have two productive daughters in the herd. An all around ranch bull here from a very productive cow and is one that will defiantly pay his way.

A large framed long spined bull that will produce those steer calves which top the sales each fall. A bull with a ton of natural muscling and one who will rank towards the top for both weaning and yearling weight per day of age. 287K’s performance comes naturally as his dam is one of our most powerful black cows on the farm and is a direct daughter of Pashmenia 403P who has offspring working in many herds throughout western Canada. A red blazed bull here from two black parents and is one with a very intriguing genetic combination. A power bull with a great set of growth numbers and one that will be popular sale day.

The pedigree on this bull is as proven as it gets. His sire Captain Morgan has consistently sired breed leading cattle and is a bull that we believe still has a lot to offer to the breed and will continue to use. Kraken’s dam is a young Red Whiskey cow that made it into the Donor pen because of her overall mass, volume, and strong maternal traits. She is also a full sister to NUG Carhartt who was our high selling red bull in 2019 to WLB. A flushmate to this bull was one of our favourite heifer calves all summer and had as much depth and rib shape as any calf we have raised. We consigned her to the FNL sale where she was admired by many astute cattlemen. She now makes her home at Tri K Cattle Co. of Beaverlodge where you will hear more about her in the future. If you want to add size and power back into your herd while also increasing your maternal value take a look here.

Kyrou has all the qualities to make a true herd bull. Thick made with an abundance of rib shape while maintaining that clean lined herdbull character. Kyrou comes from a very productive mother cow that has produced a herd bull for Swanson Farms and a bred heifer that was purchased from the Classic sale this fall by the Biggs family. We also have a daughter of hers retained in the herd that is packed with muscle and has an awesome udder like her mother. Kyrou’s sire was a previous high seller from the Skor bull sale that we admired for his easy doing soft made profile and in hopes that he would pass on his poker straight cherry red haircoat and gentle disposition. He also comes from one of Skors most prolific red cows to add to this maternally stacked pedigree.

Moderate in his makeup, square hipped, and profiles very nicely. He is an easy doing and soft made bull that should pass on the same traits to his progeny. 246K’s dam is an angular fronted and big ribbed cow that is backed by some tried and true cow families with consistently good udders. 32F has a bull working for Randy Geisler’s high end commercial herd in Manitoba.

The apple didn’t fall far from the tree here. Kokanee looks very much like his sire. Extremely deep bodied, loose made, easy calving, and with plenty of growth and performance. These Revolt bulls will make a very popular group sale day and are the cowboy type. They will sire you offspring that will excel in the feedlot and the replacement pen.

This moderate made tank of a bull is younger in age but very interesting in himself. He is sired by Revolt and his mother is a young polled fullblood cow with a near perfect udder. With the polled gene locked in, easy fleshing, built in calving ease, and the great Revolt disposition he is another rancher’s type of bull that could run in any pasture. Another Revolt son that will sire some high quality steers or some moderate framed awesome uddered and maintenance free females.

Herd Health

Here at Maxwell Simmentals we pride ourselves on having a comprehensive Herd Health program. The cow herd receives an annual dose of Express FP 5/Somnugen which is a modified live vaccine for IBR, PI3, BRSV, BVD types 1 and 2, and Hemophilus somnus. They also receive an 8 way Clostridial vaccine and Scour bos 9 as a protection against scours. The cows receive a dose of Ivermectin Pour On in the fall and will have follow up in the early winter with either Cylence, Clean Up or Boss.

The bull calves will have had three separate doses of modified live respiratory vaccine: they receive Once PMH intranasal shortly after birth, Pyramid 5 Presponse in May/June and again in the fall at weaning. We also administer Toltrazuril capsules to all of the newborn calves as a protection against Coccidiosis. The bull calves have had two doses of a Clostridial vaccine, once before turn out and once at weaning. They have received a dose of Ivermectin Pour on this fall as well as having access to an oiler with lice control product available at all times.

nice blend of calving ease, maternal power, and growth with this guy. He’s a nicely balanced bull that we think would work very well on a group of young cows. His sire Epic has calved really well for us, and we are hearing positive comments overall from other breeders as well. 259K comes from a first calf heifer who is a direct daughter of our 19X cow who has definitely left her mark on our herd. 19X put 10 bulls through the sale and we have four daughters in production. All of which are very sound footed and tidy uddered and we expect them to fall right into their mother’s footsteps.

is an interesting calving ease bull that doesn’t lack any performance. Epic has calved really well around here on heifers and the calves really grow. 205K’s grand dam has been an awfully productive cow and is known around here as ‘Landmark’s mom’. This is a bull that can be utilized in a lot of different ways.

This group of Motown bulls is very impressive. 225K is as stout made and dark red as you are going to find, he stands on a big square foot and is backed by a really nice, highly productive Avalanche cow. It’s hard not to imagine a pen of top end steers from this guy. Here is a bull that can be used in a lot of different ways and will work in any environment.

Another typical Motown- soft made, free moving, and with that dark heavy pigmentation that runs deep in this pedigree. 284K comes from a trouble-free mother cow that goes out and performs every year. She is backed by two of our cornerstone herd sires, Classic and Avalanche, who have left us some very productive females and easy selling bulls. Expect this guy to produce those tidy uddered and sound footed replacement heifers that will produce those high performing steers year after year.

group of Motown bulls have a lot to offer. Heavy pigmented, soft made, structurally correct, and carry that herd bull look. 276K comes from a very stylish Total Value cow who is also heavily pigmented and has an awesome udder. This group of fullblood bulls has had as much interest from our bull buyers as we have had over the years. A very solid set of usable beef bulls and this guy is a testament to that.

bulls for Mike & Deanne Paterson and Prairie Skye Farms. To make it even better the Motown daughters look very good also.

smooth made Motown son with lots of depth and muscle and strides out very well. His dam is a nice uddered IPU Classic cow who has a son working at Haldenby Farms and a daughter at Mark & Deanna Biggs from the Camrose Classic sale, we also have two daughters working in the herd. This Motown sire group are all very high in quality and the kind we try to produce. Even better his daughters in the replacement pen look like they are going to develop into awesome mother cows. They are super feminine, really soggy, and have a nice udder structure coming along.

A heavily pigmented bull that is dark red right down to his hooves. A very deep bodied and strong topped bull with lots of natural muscling. The fusion sired cattle are very sound and free moving with a quite disposition. A strong cow family behind this guy with some maternal greats in his pedigree.

Here is a pair of sale features out of a very nice mother cow that is exactly the kind of female that we strive to breed. 462B is an ideal sized, dark red, nice uddered cow that we flushed to our walking herd sire Battle. The resulting calves are something to get excited about. These two bulls are dark red, excellent haired, big footed, with tons of middle and lots of herd bull character. They have a flushmate sister in the keeper pen that exceptional in her own right. The predictability and breed character that these brothers possess is truly impressive.

is all about. Big time performance, maternally bred, and all kinds of character. 208K is super long, stout made, hairy and soggy which seems to be standard for the Battle calves. 424B is a big bodied, nice uddered Rusty daughter that has been very productive, her first calf happens to be the dam of Advantage. This moderate framed heavily pigmented bull who stands on a big strong foot and is from our new Battle herd sire. We purchased Battle with Sunberry Valley Ranch as a high seller two years ago from Blackgold Simmentals for his soggy make up, great pigmentation, and large foot. We are very pleased with our Battle sons as they are born easy then take off and grow. If you’re looking to add more pigmentation to your fullblood cows or produce those dark blaze face steers and replacements have a look here.

Another performance driven Battle son with that extra muscleand overall power that these fullblood bulls are noted for. 303K’s dam has a bit of an outcross pedigree to most and is super feminine and moderate made with an easy milking yet tidy udder and solid foot. If you’re looking for a fullblood bull with lots of hair and one that comes from a very complete made cow then take a look here. We really are happy with this group of fullblood bulls and hope you agree that it is one of the most uniform and quality driven groups to date.

A smooth made polled fullblood that would work well on a group of young cows for his calving ease traits, yet still sire calves with plenty of performance and quality. Krebs has the polled gene spread throughout both sides of his pedigree which is stacked with maternal power. Reputation has produced many high selling bulls and females for multiple producers and 285K’s dam and grand dam are two of the highest volume pear shaped cows on the farm. Likewise, if you’re looking to add milk while maintaining udder quality this guy could defiantly be the solution. Another pen pet with a super disposition and one that will produce some awesome females to wean those heavy steer calves. Dam of lot 93 bull here with a very solid set of numbers across the board. Expect him to pass on that extra muscle and depth of body that makes for easy keeping offspring. A combination of maternal and performance in this herd bull prospects pedigree. With 204W, Evan 14P, and Blueprint in his pedigree you can expect this guy to make some awesome uddered and highly productive females. He may not be the heaviest bull at the sale but is one we believe will have a positive impact on anyone’s herd. solid son of our past high seller Dakota. These Dakota sired calves are high performing and as sound as they come. is out of a very nice Avalanche cow, our Avalanche cows are some of our most productive. This bull has generations of our strongest cow families on both sides of his pedigree. 98A has sons working for Laurenceson Farms and Wall Simmentals. is a dark red bull that combines high end performance and maternal strength, he was our heaviest bull at weaning and yearling. If you want to add some frame and pounds to your calves, this might be the bull for you. 226K is a bull that checks off a lot of boxes and is one that will be easy to find in Camrose. is a moderate framed, easy doing bull with lots of style and a stacked pedigree. The Yuma sired cattle are excellent footed, are small at birth and really grow. The females that this bull will leave behind should be excellent. We sold 2 full brothers in last year’s sale that we utilized in our own program. topped and square hipped bull from a beautiful black blazed face Commissioner cow. Lots of maternal merit behind this guy and if you need to clean up udders this guy will accomplish that as there are perfect uddered females throughout both sides of this guy’s pedigree. His sire 186F is leaving stylish, long bodied, and deep ribbed cattle that seem structurally very sound and stand on a large foot. Our black high selling bred heifers this fall were all sisters to this guy and were well received because of their shear power, style, and impeccable udders.

A soft made, wide topped, and deep quartered bull with a gentle disposition. Kansas will definitely tidy up udders and feet. His dam is a super quite cow that gets the job done year after year with minimal inputs. She had two other high selling bulls through this sale to D-C farming and Ron & Jill Symes. We just calved out her first daughter and she looks to be very productive also. You can expect many brothers to this bull in the sale next year as there are 6 polled Advantage E.T calves out of 675D on the ground that look very good.

A smooth made Imax sired bull with lots of pigmentation and has that herd bull look. He comes from a moderate framed cow family with picture perfect udders. Circle this guy if you are looking to clean up udders and sire a nice uniform set of replacement females. Another cherry red bull from a pedigree with lots of pigmentation and one that would cross very nicely on both a British or exotic based cow herd.

A cool stout made blazed face bull with tons of top and rib shape. 256K is a bull you can admire from multiple angles as he has big time capacity and natural muscling yet is extremely clean made, correct in his lines, and has that extra style and presence to catch your eye when walking through the pen. He is backed by a curve bending set of EPD’s and weights and is a son of Mollydooker 34C who has taken the Canadian Simmental breed by storm. CRN 34C has become a breed favourite because of her shear power, stunning profile, and big-time production record as her offspring and embryos have continued to top sales since her inception to Canada. We were fortunate enough to get two heifers from this package of embryos as well and they are among ours and many visitors favourites in the replacement pen. We would be more than happy to show you the sisters to these sale bulls as they are a testament to the quality and consistency of this group.

A blaze faced bull that will add power and performance to his progeny and with a nice set of growth numbers, both weaning and yearling. 309K has plenty of length and volume and moves so freely while still having that extra class and eye appeal. He goes back to a very strong cow family that has sold many bulls through this sale. A full brother sold to Triple K Simmentals last year. This guy should be a breeding machine and a true allaround herd sire.

Here is a very nice Yuma son that has a ton of style and length of body. His dam, 27G, is a very high quality female in terms of her udder and foot structure. She happens to be a full sister to our walking herd sire ETZ 186F who has left us an incredible set of females. Expect 201K to leave you a big time set of daughters and the heavy steer calves that everyone is after.

Moderate framed, long bodied, clean fronted, and lots of natural muscling. Two flush brothers to 269K were feature bulls in our sale last year. His dam LRX 56B was a checkers high seller and another cow who has defiantly paid her way around here multiple times. She consistently adds hair and capacity to her offspring and carries a very strong foot and udder structure making her one of our top donor cows. She has sons working at S3 Bar Cattle Co. , NA Bar Cattle Ltd. ,Rosegrland Cattle, Ririe Land & Cattle, Aric Burgmaier, Rogerson Farms, as well as several daughters working in our herd.

An extremely soft made

186F son that is strong topped, big middled, and really clean fronted. He is a flashy bull with a ton of eye appeal and really balanced in his design. Fury comes by his looks naturally as his young dam is just coming into her prime and is a very easy keeping and feminine cow. Just imagine the pen of big middled blazed face replacement heifers with a ton of style this guy will produce. Expect the daughters to go on and be those trouble free and easy keeping mother cows that require minimal upkeep. We can’t say enough how happy we are with the 186F females and the steers off this guy will not be any slouches either. Don’t forget to check out this guy’s numbers either.

Our breed prides ourselves on the Simmental females that make great cows and we feel the daughters off this guy will be very good. With Enticer 4W, Full Throttle, Crosby, and Brooke 68Z in his pedigree he reads maternal to the highest degree. Brooke 68Z has crossed so well with many different sires thanks to her overall capacity, eye appeal, and style and her production record truly is a testament to her longevity. 375K is her natural born March calf that gives up some age to the older bulls in this sale but is one who has a lot to offer to the beef industry.

An interesting pedigree behind this moderate framed and high profiling E.T calf. He comes from one of our new herd sire MRL Walter which we own with Kathol Simmentals. Walter himself has matured into a very impressive herd bull and has produced moderate birthweight calves with big time weaning weights just like we had hoped. The dam of 250K is probably one of the easiest doing and strongest footed cows on the farm. This will be her fifth bull to sell through this sale and she had a high selling daughter in the Classic Sale this fall to Sunny Valley Simmentals. We also have three productive young daughters in the herd.

A unique opportunity to capitalize on some of the most elite and proven genetics of the Simmental breed. With a pedigree that combines Heaven Scent 30X, Lime 69Y, Bengie 6P, and Brooke 68Z it is no wonder this bull has so much herd bull presence about him. An extremely well put together bull who is as thick and square as they come. A bull you really must admire for his length of spine, deep rib, and overall capacity but yet is also very strong topped and clean made through his front third. His dam Brooke 68Z has clicked very well with whoever we have crossed her with. We are really happy with how consistently she has produced excellent sons and daughters for us who continue to have that extra quality and presence about them.

Here is a very attractive angus bull, he has loads of presence and really catches your eye. He is long bodied and has lots if rib dimension. If you want a bull that is out of a very high end female that will leave you some awesome females, this might be your bull.

Here is a pair of true performance bulls, they are packed full of muscle and have that herd bull character. They posted impressive weaning weights and are easily found by everyone that tours the bull pen. When we decided to start our small Angus program we purchased some embryos out of some of the most elite females in the breed. 720 has an ideal udder with lots of eye appeal and I would expect the daughters of these guys to be much the same.

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