3 minute read

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: The Best Time You Will Spend on Earth

Even though Virginia Bonite finds herself in a whole new country, she has been relieved to find that Christ still dwells with her — Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity — in the Eucharist.

“I grew up in the Philippines, and Eucharistic Adoration was a very regular part of my life there,” Virginia says. “After I came here, I was very glad to see that our parish had a little adoration chapel. I was so happy to sign up and see that there was an opening for me to fill.”


She has found that no matter which side of the ocean she is on, the Eucharistic Lord is the same God, and when she adores Him, she discovers an oasis of serenity, a spiritual fortress, and a guiding light.

“In Adoration, I can just be alone and talk to God in the midst of great silence,” she says. “It gives me so much peace to talk to Him about whatever is on my mind and in my heart. I just pray and meditate. I feel so close to God when I go to Adoration. I love it!”

Thankfully, Virginia is just one of the countless “prayer warriors” who are strengthened and inspired by the time they spend adoring Our Lord. There, in front of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, exposed on the altar with divine humility, adorers discover their most loyal companion in life.

“According to reliable news sources, about 70 percent of Catholics do not even believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist,” says Coordinator of Eucharistic Adoration Joan Dennis. “They believe it is just a symbol. But because His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity is truly present in Adoration, there is no better place to pray! Many people who initially signed up because they just wanted to try it for a time have felt compelled to keep it up because they have experienced so much inner peace from doing it. Others have experienced real miracles in their lives or found a new connection to God.”

Adoration was started at our parish about eight years ago with the help of former Faith Formation Coordinator Kimberly Sax.

“Our former Pastor, Fr. Michael Kiernan, gave me permission to start Adoration,” she says. “We started with about six very committed adorers, and over time built up to the large group we have now. I have to give Joan credit because when I stopped leading it, she picked up the ball and kept it going. I love to go because it is a very beautiful, sacred time which helps me develop my personal relationship with Christ.”

To those who are thinking about giving Adoration a try, but are not sure where to start, Kimberly has some helpful insight to share.

“We need to get some ‘new blood’ in Adoration!” she says. “If you aren’t used to coming, you can just come in and pray for 15 minutes or so. Just be silent, close your eyes and listen to what thoughts come to your mind. When parents come in to pick their kids up at school, they can just come into Adoration for a few moments. It is fine to start small!”

Eucharistic Adoration is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays following daily Mass until 7 p.m., as well as on First Saturdays following the 8 a.m. Mass until 3 p.m. If you would like to start spending your time on earth the best way you can and sign up for Adoration, please contact Joan Dennis at 916-335-3532. Regular adorers are needed as well as substitutes.

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