5 minute read

A Christian Perspective on Social Issues

By GHK Lall

The poor of Guyana getting poorer: God sees, knows


The poor in this country are getting poorer, finding it a greater struggle to get by on a daily basis, and having to do without some of the basics of life. There are those approaching the poverty line, while some have already fallen far below it. Spiraling prices and skyrocketing cost of living would do that most strapped for extra spending money for necessities. Jesus would not have loved this; certainly, his Father in heaven is having problems with what is taking place here. He gave Guyana so much, and yet its peoples are so wretched, especially the poverty-stricken masses who don’t feature highly in the big picture of bigger people with the biggest visions of what to do with all these riches. So rich, yet so poor is the cry and Jesus has to be wondering how come even his own faithful are not too overly concerned about the plight of the poor, daily falling into that growing category. If I recall well, he did speak about the considerations due to the hungry, the thirsty, the sickly, and the shabby, among others that he counted as his brothers. Yes, I know; perhaps we will find some space in our congested calendar to get around to such, pardon me, inconveniences. For Jesus, they weren’t considered trouble, but brethren prized highly. I don’t think that that has undergone any material change; at least, not from his standpoint. I am wondering where that leaves us Christians and Catholics, which means me too. The problem is that some in the Christian community have gotten so close to those calling the shots, and who make things happen for them, that they forgot those who Jesus held dear. Also, there is the slight bother of not wanting to upset any applecart by pointing to them, or insisting that something better be done for them, now that we have all this money coming from all over, including oil fund, loans, grants, and so forth. The irony is that Guyana is a nation that is awash in prosperity while many of its people live in misery. Yes, I know that I am speaking out of turn or turning out to be a thorn in the flesh of those who matter, but somebody forgot to send me the memo to be quiet. When the Savior, the one who redeemed me from poverty of the spirit, tells me enough said, then I listen, spring to attention, and stand down. I can’t be the only lost soul actually hearing him, not when we have all these gatherings and readings and understandings. Look at the state of our poor, and it is clear that they are on their own. They are a mixed bunch ranging from bottom feeders to low grade public officers to those I call minimum wagers. The oil riches came in a rush, yet the life sentence of Guyanese poor was not lifted in any way that mattered. I go back to Jesus and ask myself what he is thinking, how he is reacting to this seeming contradiction of poverty amidst plenty. Surely more than that pittance of an increase for pensioners ($3,000) qualifies as a perversity before him, since it is what would make some paralyzed people consider work. As for that now ancient COVID-19 cash handout ($25,000), it was good for one trip to the supermarket, with a longing look at the greens market (maybe some other time, when another giveaway came their way); and the new minimum wage is so meaningless that it couldn’t make a miniskirt, if those were still around, and the cloth was free. One boss sharing out cash gift thinks of himself as a figure that older Guyanese used to call ‘Christmas Father’, except his toys barely holds up past the day; while another holds himself out as a new and improved version of that character of myth and magic ‘Honest John’, but is the essence of deception himself. Meanwhile, the poor remain rich in hope since that is all they have got left. That is, until the covetous come and yank that away from them too. It is their land, their environment, their future. I remind all Guyanese, particularly all Christians who should know, of those many powerful bigshots from way back. Men like Tutankhamun, Amenhotep I, and Rameses I, who all thought that they could beat the odds and get around the system by coming up with the cleverly creative. They took all their ill-gotten gains with them into those lavish pyramids, along with sacrificed humans to stand guard, only for the graverobbers to come and carry their treasures away. As the poor in Guyana would say: ‘God doesn’t sleep,’ and as scripture confirms over and over, he hears the cry of the downtrodden. God knows everything, and he knows the plight of the poor in this rich country.❖




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Pope’s Intentions

August Monthly Intention:

For Small Businesses

Prayer for our Priests

Gracious and loving God, we thank your for the gift of our priests. Through them, we experience your presence in the sacraments. Help our priests to be strong in their vocation. Set their souls on fire with love for your people. Grant them the wisdom, understanding, and strength they need to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Inspire them with the vision of your Kingdom. Give them the words they need to spread the Gospel. Allow them to experience joy in their ministry. Help them to become instruments of your divine grace. We ask this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our Eternal Priest. Amen

Counselling Services at Brickdam Presbytery

Carmelite Sisters are available for counselling on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00am to 12 noon and 1:00pm to 2:00 pm, at the Cathedral Presbytery. They are also available by appointment. Persons are encouraged to avail themselves of these se rv i ce s. Ki n dl y co n tact th e Cathedral parish office on tel. no. 226-4631 for details.