3 minute read

Donations drive ability to serve others

By Wendy Glick, Executive Director of Catholic Charities

As we open a new year, a year in which Catholic Charities will mark 80 years of service to the community, we are tremendously grateful for the contributions so many people made in response to our Answer His Call and #GivingTuesday appeals. Others supported their favorite Queen Bee to raise much needed funds for our two shelters. Many others purchased gifts and household items to “Stuff the Box” or brighten Christmas Day for the children and adults staying in shelter.

While Catholic Charities has much for which to be grateful, we also recognize that the growing needs within our ministries can only be addressed by philanthropic support throughout the entire year. Even now, after successful appeals, we face the daunting task of serving more people at higher-than-anticipated costs. That is one reason we are introducing “Servants of Hope,” a recurring giving program that you can learn about in this newsletter.

As I reflect on the 80-year history of Catholic Charities and my own 14 years with the organization, I am in awe of the tremendous generosity of our donors. I truly believe that countless people have heard the whisper of God in their hearts asking them to share a portion of the gifts He has given them with Catholic Charities.

As long as there are people in our community who are hungry, homeless, lonely, disabled and abused, Catholic Charities will be here as the hands and feet of Jesus to serve them. Catholic Charities, under the leadership of new executive director Traci Kennedy, will continue to do His work for years to come because of donors like you.

Thank you for the kindness and grace you have shown me during my time with Catholic Charities. It has been my honor to get to personally know so many of our donors, and to serve alongside dedicated board members and compassionate staff. As Feb. 1 approaches, I am happy to hand Traci the reins to a strong organization. I have full faith and confidence in her ability to lead Catholic Charities for years to come.

Please pray for her success in her new role, and take the opportunity to meet her when it arises. As for me, please think fondly of me as I enjoy my retirement. Know that being a witness to the tremendous generosity of our donors is a memory I will forever carry in my heart.

God bless, Wendy Glick