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Every child deserves a future

This month sees us acknowledge National Children’s Day in the UK on Sunday 14 May. National Children’s Day UK (NCDUK) is all about the importance of a healthy childhood, and how we need to protect the rights and freedoms of children and young people. It’s a day of celebration, but it’s also a great opportunity for anyone involved with children to raise awareness about projects they are running or things they care about.

In the lead up to Easter, due to the kindness and generosity of our supporters and friends, Nugent’s Easter Bunny was able to deliver more than 500 Easter eggs and chocolate goodies to the children, young people and adults that we care for.


Fundraising manager Ainsley Briscoe said, ‘We wanted to give those we care for the ‘hoppiest’ of Easters this year. It was such a heart-warming day, visiting our different services, and meeting everyone with the Easter bunny who kindly delivered the treats.’

Our Easter Bunny, volunteer Mark Callister, hopped into a number of our services across Merseyside to make an egg-stra special delivery. The chocolatey treats were delivered to a number of our children’s and adult’s homes, Nugent House School and our secure home for children and young people who are vulnerable, traumatised and disadvantaged. Ainsley added: ‘One young person said, “these can’t all be for me… really are they all for me? Thank you”.’

A big thank you to Mark who kindly volunteered his time alongside our Nugent volunteer. Mark works as a support worker at Emmaus Merseyside, another incredible charity where our Nugent CEO, Joanne Henney is Chair of Trustees.

Thank you to our corporate supporters including Barclays, Swansway Motor Group and PAM Healthcare, to a number of schools across Merseyside, including Christ the King School, the Union of Catholic Mothers, and to our generous individual supporters who have donated to our appeal.

Good Shepherd Appeal

Throughout Lent, Nugent has been inundated with fundraising efforts from schools across the Archdiocese of Liverpool, all raising money for Nugent’s Good Shepherd Appeal. From sponsored walks and cake sales to market days and even welly throwing competitions, it has been fantastic to hear how schools are taking part in our appeal.

The Good Shepherd Appeal is one of the oldest charity appeals in the UK and has supported thousands of families across Merseyside for more than 113 years. The schools taking part come together at our Good Shepherd Masses in June to present their fundraising cheques to Nugent as well as take part in the Mass through singing, reading and helping with communion.


10:30am on Wednesday 14 June at St Mary’s Church, Leyland. Celebrant: Bishop Tom Williams.

11am on Wednesday 28 June at the Metropolitan Cathedral. Celebrant: Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP.

If you would like to donate to our Good Shepherd Appeal please visit localgiving.org/charity/wearenugent

To find out more about Nugent’s upcoming fundraising events and how to get involved, please visit: wearenugent.org.uk

We are strong believers and advocates of the importance of every child deserving a future and the services we offer our children and young people are of the upmost importance to us. At Nugent, we have a range of children’s services including Nugent House School and four children’s homes, one being the only secure children’s home in the country that is charity owned and operated. In the past year, we have given the gardens at Marydale a much-needed makeover and due to our young people being in the highest level of protection, this is the only place they can access fresh air. We wanted to transform Marydale’s garden spaces to promote mental health and wellbeing by adding colour, artist’s designs, activities, and adding sensory stimulation such as herb walls. All of the funds raised at last year’s annual Phil Thompson Golf Classic went towards the garden makeover and it has created a new space for young people in the home to come and enjoy fresh air in a safe, secure, and relaxing environment.

At our recent Sleep Out with Nugent event at Strawberry Field, we raised a fantastic £14,082.12, almost tripling the amount raised at last year’s event. The money raised will help prepare young people with everything they need when transitioning out of care. We have also been able to equip our care leavers with some luxury items that we may take for granted but will make a big difference in their lives.

Nugent is also in the process of launching our ‘Brighter Futures’ mentorship project, which will provide life skills, work experience and mentoring for young people.

We’re confident that with the skill, experience and unwavering compassion of our incredibly dedicated colleagues, we can provide care, education, protection and inspiration for more children and young people in need.

With the right guidance, care and support network, our leaders of the future can come from any background.

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