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Every Step of the Way Children’s Aid Launches Campaign to Establish Alumni Network

Early Childhood nutritional consultations occurred in 2022, which consisted of meetings, medical records reviews, food assistance, and referrals.

8% higher score compared to other city agencies for family support program outcomes (goal achievement/ maltreatment reduction).

178 1,000+ children, youth, and family members have access to the following formal athletic programs: 12 types of sports/ fitness activities, two competitive swimming teams, six competitive basketball teams, two adult programs, and a New York Knicks/Madison Square Garden partnership.

Children’s Aid is launching a new marketing campaign with the goal of establishing our very first alumni network. For 170 years, Children’s Aid has been a part of the fabric of New York. Through this campaign, we aim to create a welcoming place for former Children’s Aid youth to share memories and reunite with friends and mentors.

The alumni campaign, which launched in April, includes digital advertisements that will be deployed through search (Google), social (Facebook), and out-of-home (ATM screens, LinkNYC kiosks, and convenience store point-of-sale screens) channels.

The digital campaign will be followed with print advertisements on select subway platforms across the city from mid-April through mid-May.

Using a combination of historical and presentday photos, the campaign creatively taps into nostalgia, while also depicting what time and time again alumni have identified as Children’s Aid’s greatest strength — the people who comprise the Children’s Aid community. Snapshots of program participants spanning several decades, including many veteran staff members, are the centerpiece of the creative which invites the user to “sign the Children’s Aid Yearbook.”

The QR code on each ad directs users to the campaign landing page, where users can share a photo and message about their Children’s Aid experience. All alumni who sign the yearbook will receive a “welcome series” of emails inviting deeper engagement. In future phases of the alumni network, members will receive Children’s Aid news, have access to engagement opportunities and events, and help shape the direction of this program by providing feedback.

In a recent staff survey, 1 in 5 employees either participated in Children’s Aid programming or enrolled their children in one of our programs. Are you a Children’s Aid alum? Do you have friends or family members who attended a Children’s Aid site or enrolled in one of our programs? We encourage you to visit the campaign landing page, www.ChildrensAidAlumni.org, and share your memories with us.