2 minute read


Books from the Attic

Treasures from an Irish Childhood Alice Taylor Emma Byrne


$19.99 • Paperback • 256 pages • 5.3x8.5 35 Halftones, color • Currently Available BIO026000 • 978-1-78-849269-0

Alice Taylor takes a look back at the well-used schoolbooks she used in her youth in the 1940s and 1950s. Flicking through the pages of the books and recalling poetry and prose she learned at school, Alice reminisces about these texts, how she related to them and how they integrated with her life on the farm and in the village. In her warm, wise way, Alice reflects on poems and stories on topics ranging from birds, trees and nature to fairy tales and legends, and ties them in with her own knowledge and memory of traditional country life. Containing the text of the poems that readers will remember from their own school days, and evocatively illustrated with photographs of the school books and Alice’s notes on them, as well as nature, flora, fauna and objects associated with schools of old, this is a reminder of childhood days and a treasure trove of memory.

Tea for One

Alice Taylor Emma Byrne

$29.99 • Hardback • 240 pages 5.3x8.5 • 70 Halftones, color December 2021 • BIO026000 978-1-78-849279-9

Some people are home alone by choice, while others, like Alice, journeyed into it through a change of circumstances. But no matter how it comes about, living alone has its minuses and its pluses. We strive to get the balance right, finding ways to enjoy the peace and solitude and keep ourselves occupied. From improving her painting to perfecting her garden, exploring family histories and reclaiming her mother’s art of tea-making, Alice discovers the challenges and pleasures of living alone.

Black Mountain

and other stories Gerry Adams Timothy O'Grady

$18.99 • Paperback • 320 pages 5.1x7.7 • October 2021 • FIC029000 978-1-84-717630-1

In this collection, one of Ireland’s best-known political figures brings us new and selected stories of politics, of family, of love and of friendship. These are portraits of Ireland, and especially Belfast, old and new, in times of struggle and in times of peace, showing how our past is always part of our present. Sometimes sad, sometimes funny, always moving, these are stories of ordinary people captured with wit, with heart and with understanding. Introduction by Timothy O'Grady.

Stolen Faith

A Forbidden Love. A Stolen Child. A Divided Family. James McVeigh

$21.99 • Paperback • 288 pages 6.1x8.9 • April 2022 • FIC014000 978-1-78-849294-2

A novel by Jim McVeigh, set in Ireland and the US, that draws on both the mother and baby homes and the Boston clerical abuse scandals. Set in Belfast, Dublin and Boston, Stolen Faith is a story spanning the 40s, 50s, 60s and the present day. It is at times a love story, at others a courtroom drama, but always a quest - first for a sister, then for justice.