2 minute read

Bauhan Publishing

Girl as Birch

Poems Rebecca Kaiser Gibson


$17 • Paperback • 80 pages • 6.5x8.5 April 2022 • POE005010 978-0-87-233333-8 Rebecca Kaiser Gibson lives in Marlborough, NH

In Girl as Birch, Gibson mimics the flexible (adaptable? too pliant? healthily, if secretly, resilient, then, finally, aligned) motion of a birch in strong wind, as it relates to the options seemingly available to her, growing up as a girl. The poems imitate in form the experiences they evoke. The leitmotifs of red, birches, mirrors, walls enclosing gardens, labyrinths as metaphors for constraint, recur throughout the book. Without being a manifesto, Girl as Birch explores female gender roles with both pliant and uprising imagery and action. Restriction and rebellion, silence and speech, appearance and artifice, passion and repression, the past and being present, buffet and embolden the speaker of these poems. The elastic and varied syntax, pace, music, and the use of rhetoric and wit express deft self-examination. The book moves from serial impressionistic poems of early childhood to discrete lyric poems of memory and experience and on to a sense of emotional, social, spiritual evolution, not resolution.

Not a Soul but Us

Poems Richard Smith

$17 • Paperback • 80 pages • 6.5x8.5 April 2022 • FIC014020 978-0-87233-360-4 Richard Smith lives in Washington, D.C.

Set in rural England during and after the bubonic plague pandemic of 1348–1349, this verse novel drives to the heart of what we humans are capable of when boiled down to our very core in the struggle to survive—and how, in more ways than one, it’s not our intelligence or our resiliency, but love and the non-human animals that save us.

Time for Everything

My Curious Life Joseph D. Steinfield

$22 • Paperback • 232 pages • 6x9 illustrated • May 2022 • BIO026000 978-0-87233-362-8

Following up on his book, Claremont Boy, noted attorney Joseph D. Steinfield offers more thoughtful commentary in this new collection of essays. In Time for Everything, Steinfield first looks back at friends, heroes, family, travel, being Jewish, and, of course, sports. He then turns his thoughts to the law and offers insight into issues that are particularly relevant today, such as the right to vote, executive power, the internet, and Constitutional issues arising during the coronavirus pandemic.

Essays from Essex

Nature—Its Miracles and Mysteries Sydney M. Williams III

$22 • Paperback • 256 pages • 6x9 illustrated • May 2022 • BIO026000 978-0-87233-348-2 Sydney M. Williams III lives in Essex, CT

In Essays from Essex, Sydney M. Williams III shares new musings on family, nature, and the miracles to be found in everyday life. The nearly two dozen entries in this, his third collection, range from stories of growing up in the 1940s and ’50s, Christmases past, and remembrances of friends, to observations on the joys of motherhood and the return of Atlantic sturgeon to the Connecticut River. The book also includes a half-dozen drawings by Williams’s grandson, Alex.