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Developing leadership in the community

People power

The Care Fellowship is a leadership development program that cultivates the advocacy and communications skills of a multiracial, intergenerational cohort of family caregivers. The program draws upon the Fellows’ innate expertise, and is designed to support caregivers to use their lived caregiving experiences to inform, advocate for, and advance care policy change.

In 2023, we are again recruiting with a focus on underrepresented caregiving experiences, including Black and other people of color, low income, disabled and LGBTQ+ caregivers, and are increasing our care fellow class to 100 caregivers. We are continuing our state-based Care Fellowship programs, launched in 2022, in California, Georgia, Illinois, and Michigan. We have increased staff capacity to continue to expand programming and support for the fellowship, and we are developing a fellowship alumni network to continue to collaborate with our former fellows.