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2021: A Year for You

Many New Year's resolutions revolve around commitments to self-care.

If you feel as if you’ve been going a million miles a minute and think you can’t take a break – listen up for some tough love!


You cannot serve others from an empty cup.

Read it again. Slowly.

When you are overworked, overwhelmed, and just plain exhausted, resentment will start to creep in and affect your relationships: with others and with yourself. If left unchecked, it will burst out in a fit of tears or rage, leaving you in a constant loop of overcommitment and resentment.

You may think you’re being helpful and nurturing by saying yes to everyone else’s needs but if your actions are peppered with negative feelings and resentment and a half-hearted contribution, does anyone really benefit?

Break out of the loop.


How? Pick one or more of our 5 simple tricks to claim a few minutes of downtime.

Slowing down does not indicate that you are giving up. It simply means that your soul is seeking some well earned recharge.

The “You ” Block

Just like that meeting you can’t miss, schedule time for you and don’t cancel! Whether it’s once a day or once a week, set aside a block of time for you; time that can’t be used for work or chores.

Read a book, watch a sappy movie, or spend an afternoon in the park.

My go-to choice is a Sunday morning sunrise with tea and a journal. Seriously, 10 minutes is all you need.

Put the Phone Down

The simplest (and most difficult) way to make extra time for you is to put the phone down. I know it’s hard, but try to limit electronics use especially before going to bed.

It’s easy to push your bedtime later and later because “one email” somehow turned into an hour of social media scrolling.

My rule is no electronics 1-2 hours before bed. I use the time to unwind, journal, play with my kitties, and read.

Get Your ZZZs

The more you have to do, the more important sleep is.

Make getting enough sleep a priority and you’ll find yourself much happier, energized, and relaxed.

I have a reminder that tells me to start my evening routine an hour before bedtime so that everything is wrapped up and ready for morning!

Light a Candle

I love candles but if they’re not your thing find what it is that relaxes you. Aromatherapy has a huge impact on mood!

Diffusing essential oils is a perfect choice as well so whenever you’re at home, set the mood. Whether it’s your favorite candle or gentle music in the background, make it a space that relaxes you even if there’s work to be done.

I have a very special candle that I use when I’m at my desk working – it brings me back to a magical place and inspires me.

Move Your Body

Setting aside time for exercise, even just a walk around the block (or a dance around your living room), has more than one benefit.

Exercise helps keep those pesky stress hormones at bay. My doctor recently told me that I have a “prescription” for workouts –it’s not just recommended, it’s required!

Staying physically active is a huge help with my anxiety and panic attacks. (Oh those fabulous endorphins.) The extra bonus of exercising? Your energetic pooch can join you on your evening stroll.