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T&T – US Congressman Happy to be Back in Mother’s Country


GO – Congressman Steven Horsford (NV04), as Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus and as the son of a mother born in Trinidad and Tobago, joined Congressman Hakeem

Jeffries, the Democratic Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, on a bipartisan delegation to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Heads of Government Conference. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken joined with the Congressional delegation in recognizing the 50th Anniversary of this important coalition of the Caribbean nations.

“My mother came to Nevada as a teenager with my grandmother from Trinidad and Tobago in pursuit of the American dream. Thanks to them, I was born in Las Vegas, but have always been proud of my Caribbean roots. I want to thank Leader Jeffries for inviting me to join him on his 2nd international delegation as our Democratic leader in Congress. During our trip, we met with leaders of CARICOM and several of their member nations. We were able to directly engage with the government of

Trinidad and Tobago, as well as civil society leaders, on issues including regional security, economic growth, the climate crisis and energy,” said Congressman Horsford.

The Members of the delegation are:

Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Democratic Leader, U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. Steven Horsford, Chair, Congressional Black Caucus; Member, Financial Services Committee; Member, Armed Services Committee

Rep. Amata Coleman Radewagen, Member, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs; Member, Natural Resources Committee; Member, Foreign Affairs Committee

Rep. Gregory W. Meeks, Ranking Member, Foreign Affairs Committee; Member, Committee on Financial Services

Rep. Yvette D. Clarke, Member, Committee on Energy and Commerce; Member, Committee on Homeland Security

Rep. Joyce Beatty, Member, Committee on Financial Services

Rep. Joaquin Castro, Member, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Member, Foreign Affairs Committee

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