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Guyana – Permanent Secretary US Visa Revoked After Cell Phone Seized

being arrested recently for interrogation and had her mobile phone seized by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents at the Miami International Airport. The US agency reportedly canceled Thomas’s visa, forcing her to take a different transit route back to Guyana.

This is according to reports making the rounds in the media. She may have also been physically abused during a threehour incarceration, according to reports, and she may have been handcuffed.

It was confirmed that Thomas had her phone taken when she was traveling to China.

Although the Ministry of Home Affairs has not yet released a comment about the incident, a news source indicated that Thomas was not traveling for the government on official business.

US officials claim that the cops removed her phone during a check.

In the aftermath of the incident, the permanent secretary of Guyana’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Elisabeth Harper, sought an explanation but was told that

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