1 minute read

Hashtag Lunchbag Queens

While the key clubbers were at the event, we were able to create little doodles on lunch bags with love notes on them for kids! It was very enjoyable because I love to draw and writing small notes made me happy. After all, it reminded me of when I used to receive those as a toddler. I hope to participate in more events like these because it gives me so much unexplainable joy.

At the Hashtag Lunchbag Queens event, we helped decorate/design paper lunchbags with our own drawings. I chose the event because my schedule was free and it felt the most like an event where I could support a community. I would do something like this in the future because it was relatively easy to do and made me feel like I was contributing to the community.


It was a really fun time just hanging out with members and genuinely doing something that would be spread throughout Queens. Just even coloring and decorating paper bags while listening to music and talking to other key club members made this event even better!

Hashtag Lunchbag is an organization that spreads love and kindness by serving free meals in the community. Volunteers help make bagged lunches and drop in encouraging love notes. During the event, I help make sandwiches and pack lunch.

Participating in this event was very enjoyable. Everyone was able to decorate lunch bags and include positive notes for young children to read. If there were to be another event that's similar to this one I would definitely sign up.

This cute was super duper cute! I absolutely loved seeing members' artistic ability come out and them writing cute and encouraging letters for the kids! This is an event I'll definitely want to do again.