3 minute read

Capture Mania Team

Our true art and virtuosity as photographers lays in conveying that which we see beyond the image

itself, and not simply what light and speed can give us through our lenses. A symphony of color, texture, shadow, movement, light, or stillness, is what produces what we truly seek to capture and convey.


An image is nothing other than a translation of the experiences we wish to share from our very own perspective as photographers. This undoubtedly applies to any type of photography; and those of us who are lucky to have discovered the endless beauty of our natural surroundings, would love nothing other than to reproduce each pounding heartbeat we live when finding an animal in its natural habitat, or the feeling of breathlessness when the sun hits a magical scene as a perfect natural “spotlight”.

COVER PHOTO: A magical combination of textures that create mysticism and a dash of shocking color caught my attention immediately.

Blessed. That’s the word that comes to mind when shooting out in the field and when experiencing mesmerizing photos from my fellow “moment seekers”. We are blessed. We actually got it! We got how incredibly rich this world is in experiences, we got the magic there is out there in things maybe completely disregarded by others, and furthermore, we sought the chance to share it, creating moments for others, and even better, awareness of our surroundings, hopefully resulting in the desperately needed care this world needs to not lose it all, at the blink of an eye.

Continue doing your magic, people. What you are doing has a positive snowball effect you may not have been aware of, but you give people smiles, moments, a reason for admiring this earth, hence a reason for protecting it.

So, do as we all must in learning the technicality of it all, how to play with all the necessary elements to capture the right image, to then go back to basics and simply let your instinct do its job and excel at what you do. Forget about that higher-end camera and prime lens you’re waiting for to get the perfect shot. The magic you convey, is already within you.

Rose Forero

Chief Editor, Yasir Mehmood

Managing Editor, Bistra Stoimenova

Guest Editor, Rose forero

Joint Editor Fahad Hassan

Art Director, Ibrahim Saeed

Graphic Designer, Obaid ur Rahman

Contributing Editor, Mahwish Razzaq, Qurat Ul Ain

All contents in the magazine are protected by copyright. Contents of this magazine can not be copied, published without permission of the magazine contributers. The personal views of the authors of not necessarily reflect the view points of the editoral team and publisher.


Flat # 410, Mustafa Tower, G-8 Markaz Islamabad, Pakistan . Tel: +92-3155287554 E-mail: capturemaniamag@gmail.com Bulgaria | Pakistan | USA