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Wow factor will be crucial to success in photo comp

CAPE York photographer and competition judge Tess Buhmann has tipped a unique perspective on the everyday and “wow factor” as two things to focus on for entrants of the fifth annual Lakeland Photo Competition.

Ms Buhmann has judged the competition several times and said the entries inspired her.

“Every time I see someone doing something creative I get inspired again,” the Cooktownbased photographer of more than 25 years said.

“Every single year it gets bigger and better, the prizes are more amazing and it’s so well done.

“I’m looking forward to being part of it again.”

Ms Buhmann said when judging she was always looking for the fundamental elements of photography, such as composition and lighting, but the images also had to have appeal.

“If they have all the fundamentals, then I’m also looking at whether it’s unique or unusual or has that wow factor,” she said.

“I like to see something ordinary portrayed in a different or unique way.”

There are more than $3000 in prizes across five categories, with entries closing on August 22 ahead of the big award event on Saturday,

August 26 at the Lakeland Town Hall.

Organiser Sam Simmonds said this year the group had introduced the Snapchat Worthy category to appeal to teen snappers.

“We’ve introduced that to keep up with the times and try get a few more entries from teenagers,” the Lakeland local said.

“We have changed the prizes quite a bit and have photography charter flights as first prizes for all the categories – we had to change the budget to be able to manage it, but it’s worth it.”

Mr Simmonds, who was a teacher at Lakeland State School, has moved to nearby Laura and said his primary students were excited to be part of the competition.

“We had a school trip recently out to the rock art sites and the kids have taken photos and they’re constantly asking if they can enter them in the photo competition,” he said.

“I know all the kids in my class hadn’t used an actual SLR camera, they were amazed with it and the way it worked and one of them wants to be a photographer now.

“It’s pretty good the photo competition has opened them up to something else and allowed that opportunity for them.”

More than 25 entries were already in, with hundreds more